Find AA meetings in Graham, Texas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Texas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Hour House Meeting | Hour House Group | 502 SE 6th Ave | Mineral Wells | Closed Meeting English Step Meeting |
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Graham, Texas AA Meetings
Graham is a city in north-central Texas. The county seat and largest city of Young County, has established Alcoholics Anonymous programs to provide support for people in the city who are suffering from alcohol use disorder. Alcohol use disorder (AUD), a brain disease where people struggle to control their drinking despite the negative repercussions. People who are diagnosed with alcohol use disorder (AUD) meet two or more of 11 criteria in a 12-month period. AUD can be mild, moderate, or severe. Regular binge drinking, coping with emotional problems, peer pressure, family history of alcohol issues, low self-esteem, and abuse among others are all triggers for AUD. Millions of people in the United States and across the world are struggling with this disorder. AUD not only negatively affects those who have it but it also causes damage to people who are close to them including spouses, family, co-workers, business partners, etc. Support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous programs offer benefits that other AUD treatment options do not. Led by people who have recovered from AUD, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings provide a fellowship and level of direct support to its members that is difficult to replicate, even from loved ones and counseling. AA meetings are open to anyone who is seeking help for their drinking problem. This directory groups AA Texas meetings including AA meetings in Graham.