Find AA meetings in Mason, Texas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Texas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Celler Group | Celler Group | 1800 Llano St | Fredericksburg | Discussion English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | Cellar Group | First United Methodist Church | 1800 N Llano St | Fredericksburg | English Step Meeting |
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Mason, Texas AA Meetings
An agricultural community named Mason, is a city and a county in the state of Texas, United States. AA meetings in Mason provide essential support for an individual trying to recover from Alcohol Use Disorder. AA meetings in Mason are a part of the AA meetings of Texas which are part of the larger network of Alcoholics Anonymous, worldwide. The meetings provide a safe space where previous alcoholics, who overcame their addiction can give support to those currently facing the struggle. Because alcohol addiction is such a powerful one, it is hard to recover without a support group. The support is given through a 12-step program with a high success rate, once there is dedication and adherence to the program. Struggling alcoholics may also be referred to as an inpatient facility, in addition to counseling therapies. For a high level of success of a recovering alcoholic, a detoxification program is usually administered prior to the aforementioned programs. Alcohol addiction in many instances, leads to broken families, broken communities, eventually negatively affecting the economy. The support and guidance offered by previous alcoholics at the AA Texas meetings are well needed for the road to recovery of suffering alcoholics. During the counseling sessions, individuals are encouraged to speak about their addiction as this is a necessary part of finding out the reasons for the addiction, and therefore help them on a sustained path to recovery.