Find AA meetings in Accomac, Virginia to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Virginia includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Accomac, Virginia AA Meetings
In Accomack County, Virginia, the county seat is the town of Accomac, which had a population of only 519 in 2010. Despite the small size, you can still find AA meetings in Accomac. AA Virginia has helped countless people with addiction recovery, as the organization has been around since the 1930s. AA has changed quite a bit over the years, however. They do still offer meetings that utilize the original AA 12-steps, but there are many others that are unrelated, such as meditation meetings or weekly discussion topics. No matter what the style of the meeting may be, all AA Virginia meetings provide a kind of peer-to-peer support that you can’t get anywhere else. You will witness examples of people living fully and thriving in sobriety, and you’ll be able to learn from their past successes and mistakes. You will benefit equally from what you hear and what you offer up to others in the group—from sharing your own story, or offering up understanding and comfort to other members. Whether you are just starting out with professional treatment, or you have already completed a rehab program, AA meetings in Accomac can help you learn to live sober for the long-term.