Find AA meetings in Milton, West Virginia to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in West Virginia includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
7:30 AM | EyeOpener - EXPRESS | Clubhouse | 301 6th Ave | Huntington | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Wheelchair Access |
7:30 AM | Mustard Seed Group D9 | Trinity Lutheran Church | Kanawha Blvd E & Elizabeth St | Charleston | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
7:30 AM | Mustard Seed Group Charleston | Mustard Seed Group | 1600 Kanawha Blvd E | Charleston | Closed Meeting Discussion |
12:00 PM | Capitol First Chance Group | Day Reporting Center | 900 Christopher St | Charleston | Discussion English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | Hope Group | Hope Group | 1338 Winchester Ave | Ashland | English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | Combined Groups of Huntington | Clubhouse | 301 6th Ave | Huntington | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | Attitude Adjustment Group Dunbar | Attitude Adjustment Group | 1225 Ohio Avenue | Dunbar | Discussion Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
2:00 PM | Living by Spiritual Principles Meeting | First Steps Wellness & Recovery Center | 730 7th Ave | Huntington | Discussion English Open Meeting |
5:30 PM | Combined Groups of Huntington | Clubhouse | 301 6th Ave | Huntington | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Wheelchair Access |
5:30 PM | O.D.A.T. (One Day At A Time) Group | Lavalette United Methodist Church | 4623 WV-152 | Lavalette | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
5:30 PM | Attitude Adjustment Group Dunbar | Attitude Adjustment Group | 1225 Ohio Avenue | Dunbar | Discussion Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
6:00 PM | Hope Group | Hope Group | 1338 Winchester Ave | Ashland | Big Book English Open Meeting |
6:00 PM | Women in Recovery | 5th Avenue Baptist | 5th Ave & 12th St | Huntington | Big Book Closed Meeting English + Wheelchair Access Women's Meeting |
6:00 PM | Ironton Powerless Group | First Church of the Nazarene | 2318 S 4th St | Ironton | English Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Spring Hill Group | Genesis Fellowship Church | 4032 MacCorkle Ave | Charleston | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Ebby's Promise | Trinity Lutheran Church (Kanawha Blvd & Elizabeth) | 1600 Kanawha Blvd E | Charleston | Big Book Discussion English + Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | E Street Group | Blessed Sacrament Church | 305 E St | Charleston | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
7:00 PM | Tuesday Night Mens Group | St. John's Episcopal Church Hunters Hall | 1105 Quarrier St | Charleston | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Men's Meeting |
7:00 PM | Coal River Group | St. Marks Episcopal Church | 407 B St | Saint Albans | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Point of Hope Group | Point of Hope Group | 318 W Perry St | Louisa | Big Book English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Milton, West Virginia AA Meetings
Milton is a town in Cabell County, West Virginia. If you live in the local area and have an alcohol addiction, you may want to check out our convenient directory of AA meetings in Milton. West Virginia Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) offers a variety of AA meetings. When you pull up our guide, you may notice that some meetings are titled open, some are closed, and others may be meetings for beginners or 12-Step study groups. Open discussion or speaker meetings are available for anyone to join. Family members and friends of those in recovery often want to learn about addiction and the 12-Step recovery program so they can better support their loved one’s recovery program. Closed meetings are only for those who wish to stop drinking alcohol or using other substances. A 12-Step study group is a group that discusses how the steps are applied to daily life. Each week, the group discussion focuses on one of the 12-Steps. A speaker meeting involves a preselected member who tells a recovery story to the other group members. A recovery story usually includes what it was like before the group member started AA, what changed things, and what it is like now. These stories offer hope and inspiration to other group members, particularly beginners.