Find AA meetings in Powell, Wyoming to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Wyoming includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Cody AA Group | Cody AA Group | 1501 Stampede Ave #3000 | Cody | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
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Powell, Wyoming AA Meetings
Powell is a city in Park County, Wyoming, where many locals struggle daily with alcohol use disorder. Alcohol addiction is a relapsing illness characterized by a compulsion to drink excessively, and diagnosed persons must seek medical attention immediately. Although the recovery process is arduous and often involves several treatment methods, recovery is possible regardless of how serious the condition is. Members of Wyoming AA meetings include individuals at different recovery stages united in their desire to achieve sobriety. They are familiar with the entire recovery process and can relate to what other members are going through. AA meetings in Powell take various formats. There are open meetings that non-members are invited to where they can observe and learn the AA recovery process, and closed meetings are organized exclusively for persons who desire to break out of the addiction. Gender-specific meetings are an excellent platform to connect with like-minded people of the same gender. The recovery stories shared in speaker meetings leave members feeling hopeful and encouraged. These meetings are varied to ensure that recovering patients have a comprehensive recovery experience and every member’s recovery progress is accounted for. You can call our specialists for more information on treatment centers. You can also locate AA meetings using the directory published on this website.