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Find AA Meetings in Thermopolis, Wyoming

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Find AA meetings in Thermopolis, Wyoming to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Wyoming includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Thermopolis, Wyoming AA Meetings

Thermopolis is in and is the county seat of Hot Springs County, Wyoming. Sadly, many residents of this large town are entangled in the web of alcohol use disorder. Alcohol use disorder, a condition that’s becoming rampant in our society today, is caused by alcohol misuse and is characterized by an inability to control alcohol intake. Individuals diagnosed with this condition may experience restlessness, anxiety, and a failure to be productive when away from alcohol. Alcoholics Anonymous was established in 1935 by two AUD patients who found that sharing their recovery challenges and following a program called the 12-step approach helped them recover. The 12-step approach is a series of self-reflective actions that prompt the individual to acknowledge the need for help, take responsibility for their actions, seek to fix their mistakes, and spread the message of AA to persons in similar conditions. AA meetings in Thermopolis are characterized by a warm and friendly atmosphere where members can share their experiences and challenges without fear of judgment. These meetings thrive on the concept of unity and interdependence in conquering AUD, and members are encouraged to look out for one another. You can find more information on Wyoming AA meetings in the directory published on this site.

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