Find AA meetings in Torrington, Wyoming to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Wyoming includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Scottsbluff Group | Scottsbluff Group -- Scottsbluff | 1718 Ave C | Scottsbluff | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Torrington, Wyoming AA Meetings
Torrington, a city in and the county seat of Goshen County, Wyoming, is home to many individuals who battle alcohol use disorder daily. Alcohol use disorder, also known as alcohol addiction, is a medical condition in which the affected individual becomes reliant on alcohol intake. Such persons may suffer symptoms like headaches, nausea and depression when away from alcohol. Whether mild or severe, AUD cases can be treated through clinically proven methods like therapy, detoxification, and medication. Participating in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings is also very effective in curbing alcohol addiction. Wyoming AA meetings, for example, have helped numerous residents recover using the 12-step program, mutual support meetings, and the principles outlined in Alcoholics Anonymous, the official text used by the AA community. While the 12-step approach teaches members to be more responsible and accountable, Alcoholics Anonymous outlines the recovery principles the first set of AA members applied to get and stay sober. AA meetings in Torrington come in several formats. Open meetings have non-members attend and observe meeting proceedings, while closed meetings are reserved for only members and are where sensitive matters relating to AUD are discussed. You can join the AA community today simply by attending any of the meetings listed in the online directory.