Find AA meetings in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Wyoming includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming AA Meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous holds meetings in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, that provide recovery support and care to persons diagnosed with alcohol addiction. In these meetings, affected persons are exposed to a community of individuals familiar with the rigors of AUD recovery and are committed to helping each other recover from the condition. In Wyoming AA meetings, members are walked through the 12-step program. This 12-step program encourages members to acknowledge their issues with alcohol, seek help from a higher power, take responsibility for their actions, and make up for their past actions. Alcoholics Anonymous, the main text used in AA meetings in Yellowstone National Park, was published by AA’s founders in 1939. This book contains the recovery principles the earliest members of AA used in achieving long-term sobriety. The principles outlined in the Big Book are timeless and still in use today. In addition, Wyoming AA meetings have shared experience sessions. In these sessions, members are encouraged to share their AUD experience: where they started, the journey so far, and where they are now. If you’re looking for a community that can relate to your recovery challenges, then AA is the place for you. Join the community today by attending any of the meetings listed in the online directory.