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Can Drinking Too Much Cause Ulcers?

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Alcohol and ulcers are often linked to one another, and unfortunately, drinking too much can lead to this serious and uncomfortable medical condition. If you are having issues created by intense alcohol abuse but feel that you will still not be able to stop on your own, call 800-948-8417 Question iconCalls are forwarded to these paid advertisers now to find safe, effective rehab programs that will help you begin your recovery.

What Is an Ulcer?

According to the National Library of Medicine, “A peptic ulcer is an open sore or raw area in the lining of the stomach or intestine.” An ulcer of this type can also occur in the esophagus, or the tube that connects the stomach to the mouth. Peptic ulcers are the most likely type to occur in an individual who drinks excessively.

While most ulcers occur in the stomach lining’s first layer, they can sometimes go all the way through, causing a perforation. This is considered a medical emergency and an individual suffering from a perforation should go to the hospital immediately. Though this outcome doesn’t always occur, the more someone drinks while suffering from an ulcer, the more severe their condition is likely to become.

How Does Drinking Lead to Ulcers?

Cause Ulcers

Excessive drinking can cause peptic ulcers.

Alcohol is a toxin, and unfortunately, it can lead to a number of serious medical side effects, especially if a person drinks consistently and in large amounts. Alcohol irritates the stomach lining, and drinking consistently can lead to inflammation of this lining, increasing one’s chance of developing an ulcer. Those who already have a genetic predisposition to this condition are especially likely to experience issues if they drink large amounts of alcohol.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, alcohol abuse can cause damage to the wall of the stomach or duodenum (intestine), which can eventually lead to the formation of an ulcer. While drinking itself may not cause an ulcer to occur, it does increase one’s chance of experiencing this issue by a large amount, and any likelihood one has of developing an ulcer increases significantly when an individual drinks frequently and heavily.

How Is an Ulcer Treated?

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, “There are several types of medicines used to treat peptic ulcers.”

  • PPIs are a possible option that can reduce the acid in the stomach in order to protect one’s stomach lining.
  • Histamine receptor blockers do just that: block the histamine in your body from causing the production of more stomach acid.
  • Protectants are another type of medicine that actually coat an ulcer and protect them from your stomach acid so they can heal.

These medications can be effective against a peptic ulcer, but it is also important for an individual to make other changes as well as a part of their treatment. For example, you will likely need to make certain lifestyle changes to treat your condition, including following a nutritional diet, not smoking, and, in order for the best results to occur, not drinking, especially in large amounts.

Sometimes, a person can keep drinking moderately while healing from an ulcer (or afterward), but it is important to ask yourself: if my ulcer was at least partly caused by my heavy drinking, is it safe for me to continue? Also, it may be time to consider how else your drinking has affected your life.

Do I Need Help for Alcohol Abuse?

If you are experiencing issues with alcohol and ulcers, it may be time to consider whether or not you should keep drinking and if you might need help in order to stop. Your body has suffered an intense effect associated with your drinking, and if you feel you will not be able to cut back or stop on your own, it is definitely time to seek help.

We can help you find the best rehab programs available for your recovery from alcohol abuse. Remember, though, you must seek treatment for an ulcer as well, especially if certain aspects of your life have intensified this issue. Call 800-948-8417 Question iconCalls are forwarded to these paid advertisers now to find the best options for your recovery and to make a change in your life that will lead to a healthier, happier you.

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