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AA can be a very helpful tool in the process of rehab and recovery from alcohol abuse. But it is important to avoid making certain mistakes while you attend your meetings. If you are still looking for safe, affordable alcohol addiction treatment, call 800-948-8417 Sponsored now.
1. Don’t Start a Romantic Relationship with Anyone.
It is important to make friends and to get to know others while attending AA meetings, especially because of the added community-level social support you will gain through the program (National Institute on Drug Abuse). But you should also be aware of the dangers of starting a romantic relationship while you are in the early stages of your recovery.
Sexual relationships tend to bring added stress to someone’s life, and at this time, that is probably the last thing you’ll need. And it is important to remember that if the relationship doesn’t work out, you will be less likely to want to attend your meetings, which could also be harmful to your recovery.
2. Don’t Keep Drinking.
Especially if you are an alcoholic, you will probably need to stop drinking for good in order to recover properly (National Library of Medicine). And because AA advocates for abstinence, it is usually best to try this path if you are attending meetings and have suffered from severe alcohol addiction.
3. Don’t Try to Compare Yourself to Others.
Some people you will meet in AA will have been sober for five, ten, or even thirty years (or longer). If you try to compare yourself to other people you meet, you will begin to feel that your recovery is not as strong as theirs and possibly even get dejected. Instead, it is important to remember that you are doing the best you can and creating the path to recovery that works for you.
4. Don’t Expect Immediate Results.
Even if you are attending professional treatment, going to AA meetings, and doing everything right, you will still likely struggle with your desire to drink, especially early on in your recovery. Therefore, it is important to take each day as it comes and to focus on where you are at right now instead of wondering why you’re not exactly where you want to be. Remember, you are making a big change in your life, and getting used to it will take time.
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Help is standing by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.5. Don’t Move on to Another Addiction.
It is common for individuals who are being treated for one addiction to pick up another one in order to fill the gap. Alcoholics often take up smoking, which can also be incredibly hazardous to your health.
It is extremely important to be aware of any new obsessions or behaviors you might take up after you begin attending AA and addiction treatment, and especially if someone you meet in your meetings is encouraging this, make sure you are able to recognize the behavior and put a stop to it.
6. Don’t Focus on “Getting Cured.”
Those who begin attending AA often believe the point of the program is to get to the finish line or to go through all 12 steps. However, finishing the steps does not mean that you are cured of your addiction, and in truth, you may never fully be over it. According to the NIDA, addiction is a chronic disease, and relapse is always a possibility. It can take a long time for a person to become stable in their day-to-day life again, and one shouldn’t try to get to the end of the 12 steps as if that will suddenly make them an addict no longer.
7. Don’t Be Disrespectful.
AA doesn’t ask much of its members. There is no cost to become one, and you can attend as many meetings as you like for free. However, everyone is asked to be respectful of everyone else’s needs, feelings, and boundaries. Being disrespectful of someone else is one of the biggest mistakes you can make while attending AA because everyone deserves a safe space during their recovery.
Want to Learn More About AA?
You can call 800-948-8417 Sponsored now to learn more about the program and to find out how it could be beneficial to you. And especially if you have not found a rehab program yet to suit your needs, call to be matched with a safe, effective treatment center that will cater to you.