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How AA Helps You Get Rid of Alcohol Addiction in 6 Months or Less

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AA can help change your life in many ways and can be an incredibly effective tool for recovery. It can also help you put an end to your alcohol abuse over a period of 6 months. Call 800-948-8417 Question iconSponsored now to find safe, effective rehab programs that utilize AA as a treatment method and will cater to your specific needs.

Attending AA Meetings

Often, those who attend AA tell other members that you get out of the program what you put into it. Therefore, if you attend meetings often, talk to people, and spend time and effort on the process of the 12 steps, you are likely to experience better and faster results. AA uses a number of different techniques to help members put an end to their substance abuse and begin on the road to recovery.

How AA Helps

AA provides the coping skills to overcome addiction.

  • AA emphasizes the importance of abstinence, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. As a member, it can help you immensely to adhere to this principle and vow to stop drinking for good.
  • The program also teaches that one should not try to recover from a substance use disorder alone. Instead, members are told that they must choose a higher power to appeal to and to trust in that power as well as the power of the group. Because it is so difficult to achieve stability after substance abuse without assistance, this will go a long way toward helping you put a stop to your addiction.
  • Members are also encouraged to attend meetings as often as possible and to stay involved in the program, as stated above. If you are able to do so, your results will likely be more beneficial.

If you attend meetings and follow the steps of AA, you will reap the benefits of the program, which can strengthen your recovery and your social support system. But there are other steps you will need to take as well if you want to recover fully during the 6-month window.

Attending Professional Alcohol Rehab

AA itself isn’t usually enough to help addicts truly recover, let alone to do so in 6 months. As such, most AA programs encourage members to also attend professional alcohol rehab, and in many cases, you can go to meetings and be in treatment at the same time. A large amount of alcohol rehab centers provide space for meetings so patients can attend AA as a part of their treatment.

Patients in alcohol rehab can learn a number of other coping mechanisms and techniques to help them put an end to their substance abuse. In addition, behavioral therapies like 12-step facilitation therapy help to bridge the gap between professional treatment and AA (NIDA). Patients can also receive access to medications and other treatment options only found in professional rehab programs.

What Else Can This Combination Do for Me?

AA and professional treatment combined will fast-track your recovery in a number of ways, helping you make long-term changes in your behavior, beliefs, and daily life so that your alcohol abuse will become a thing of the past.

  • You will learn the importance of recognizing and avoiding your triggers to drink, as well as why you must get rid of anything that may trigger your desire for alcohol. For example, you will want to remove any liquor from your home and avoid going to bars (especially for the first 6 months).
  • You will be able to connect with others who are going through the same things you are. AA helps immensely in strengthening one’s social support system, and you will be able to get to know the individuals in your treatment program through AA as well.
  • You will be able to learn the 12 steps and their essential functions while receiving professional treatment. The combination of these two programs will help you make real change in your life, as they will each target different issues in your recovery.

Can AA Really Help Me End My Alcohol Abuse?

Yes. Especially if you find a group you feel comfortable with and you adhere to the 12 steps and traditions, AA will be an essential part of your recovery program. However, it is still important to attend professional treatment for alcohol addiction, so let us help you find the best program for your current situation. Call 800-948-8417 Question iconSponsored today.

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