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How Can Reflection After AA Meetings Keep Me on the Path to Sober Living?

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Alcoholics Anonymous meetings have helped millions of individuals overcome alcohol use disorder since the founding of the organization in 1935. At AA meetings, recovering alcoholics can share their personal stories and experiences about alcohol abuse, and support others on their journeys to overcoming alcohol addiction. Those who practice reflection after AA meetings have an even better chance at achieving lifelong sobriety, since reflection can help provoke thought and behavioral change in addicts.

Reflecting after AA meetings can help you learn from mistakes made by yourself and others, and inspire new ideas about how to achieve lifelong sobriety. Reflecting can also help you learn how to help others in need, helps you gain new perspective, and can make you feel happier about the good things you’ve accomplished.

If you or someone you love is struggling with alcohol use disorder, understand that help is just one phone call away. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-948-8417 Question iconSponsored to speak with an experienced phone counselor who can help you find alcohol rehab centers that include 12-step AA programs as part of treatment.

Here’s a closer look at how reflection after AA meetings can help you stay sober for years to come.

Learn From Mistakes

Reflection After AA Meetings

Reflection promotes thought and behavior change in recovering addicts.

AA meetings allow you to hear stories about the mistakes other AA members have made while intoxicated, or while trying to overcome alcohol abuse. Reflecting on mistakes made by yourself and others can help you avoid making these same mistakes in the future. Reflection also helps recovering addicts learn from and overcome their emotions surrounding these mistakes so they can move on toward sobriety.

Generate New Ideas

Reflecting after AA meetings can help you come to new realizations and inspire you to develop new ideas. For instance, an AA member’s personal story about using a new hobby to help them stay sober can inspire other AA members to adopt the same approach and find new interests to replace drinking. Reflecting about what you learned at AA can help you generate new ideas that help you stay sober.

Helps You Help Others

Listening to other members’ struggles with alcohol abuse can provide you with insight into how you, specifically, can help others overcome addiction. Giving selflessly to help others overcome substance abuse is an ideal way to hold yourself accountable for staying sober, since others may be relying on your support and guidance.

How To Start Reflecting After AA Meetings

Consider using a journal to track your reflections after AA meetings. A journal helps you stay accountable, and allows you to write notes about your reflections. Make plans to write down your reflections after every AA meeting, and limit yourself to one or two sentences in the beginning until you feel comfortable with writing more.

As time progresses, you may find that reflecting after AA meetings is therapeutic, and a vital tool in helping you and others overcome addiction.

If you are struggling with alcohol abuse, or think you might have a drinking problem, understand it’s never too late to get help. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-948-8417 Question iconSponsored to learn more about alcohol rehab centers that offer AA meetings. We’ll connect you with addiction programs that can teach you how reflection after AA meetings can help you achieve lifelong sobriety.

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