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Lies: What an Alcoholic will Say to Keep Drinking

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According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, one of the key characteristics of addiction is lying and deceit. Anyone who has ever dealt with an alcoholic knows that they will lie to keep drinking. Here are just a few lies that people tell in order to keep their habit and addiction safe.

I can Quit Anytime I Want

This is a classic lie. Many people try to quit on their own and find that they cannot. They might deny that they cannot quit or they might have tried to quit, failed, and lied to keep drinking. There is a point in alcoholism where the addict cannot quit without endangering their life.

I Need it to Get Through the Day

Again this is one of the more frequent lies. Most people who drink do in fact need it to get through the day. They need it because they are addicted, they do not actually have to have it once they’ve quit.

I am Too Stressed to Quit Drinking

Keep Drinking

Alcoholics often think they need alcohol to cope with stress and get through the day.

Stress is a common excuse for not quitting alcohol. Most people who are under stress turn to some sort of release. The truth is there are better ways to handle stress than taking a drink but an alcoholic doesn’t want to think about this.

It is My Business, I am not Hurting Anyone

Alcoholics think they are not hurting anyone. They do not realize that they hurt their friends, family, and themselves. They do not see what the alcohol is doing to those around them.

I only Drink Once in a While

Once in a while is enough to be an alcoholic. It is called binge drinking and is just as dangerous as any other form of drinking.

I Don’t Drink Every Day, How can I be an Alcoholic

Drinking every day does not mean that you are an alcoholic, just as not drinking every day does not mean you are not an alcoholic. It is not when you drink or how much, alcoholism is how drinking affects your life.

There are a lot of People who Drink More than I Do

Again it is not how much you drink or how often. Some people can handle more alcohol while others cannot. If alcohol is damaging your life, then you are an alcoholic. Many people understand this but will say it anyway as an excuse.

I only Drink Beer and Wine

Saying this is like saying I only drink small amounts of gasoline. There is no difference between getting drunk on beer and wine and drinking hard alcohol. They both eventually have the same affect.

I can Handle it on my Own

Not many people can quit drinking on their own. Most of the people who do are very strong willed or have a powerful motivation. It is a difficult process that you do not have to go through alone.

I Don’t Need Help

Most people who state they do not need help are the ones most in need. If you or someone you love needs help with alcoholism call us at 800-948-8417 Question iconCalls are forwarded to these paid advertisers .

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