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Alcohol Rehab Centers in Long Beach, California

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If you are looking for alcohol rehab in Long Beach, CA, we can help. This beautiful oceanfront city has plenty of great treatment options, and you can narrow down your options by exploring the right setting, location, and rehab facility to meet your needs.

Long Beach Alcohol Use Statistics

Long Beach and LA County have an especially high alcohol outlet density (retail outlets that sell alcohol), which is a strong indicator of local consumption levels and alcohol-related crimes and deaths. In 2018, Long Beach had an outlet density of 17.5 alcohol outlets per 10,000 residents, and all of LA County had 15.1 per 10,000 residents. Compare that to the average of 5.2 outlets per 10,000 residents in well-performing communities with low crime rates and alcohol-related deaths in 2018, and you can see a troubling trend.

Alcohol is one of the leading causes of premature death in LA county and shows a corresponding increased crime rate compared to areas with lower outlet densities.

This, of course, does not mean everyone in Long Beach who drinks will develop alcohol use disorder. However, the higher overall alcohol consumption in the city does increase the overall chances of more residents experiencing one.1

Cost of Alcohol Rehab in Long Beach

The first question most people will ask when seeking alcohol rehab in Long Beach is, how much does it cost? This is a complex and surprisingly difficult question to answer, given the sheer number of factors and individual circumstances that can affect the cost of rehab services. Some of the major factors that affect the cost of rehab include:

  • Type of setting (inpatient vs. outpatient)
  • Amenities offered (luxury accommodations, dual diagnosis treatment, aftercare services)
  • What kind of coverage your health insurance provides
  • What type of insurance the rehab facility accepts
  • Whether or not the rehab offers payment plans, sliding scale costs, or other options to increase affordability
  • The availability of free or low-cost rehabs and whether you qualify for these programs

It is generally safe to assume, however, that inpatient rehab will cost more than outpatient due to the increased expenses for housing, food, and round-the-clock supervision and care. Additionally, the more luxury amenities offered, the higher your treatment bill will likely be. Beyond that, the price of rehab can be highly variable. For more information, call us at 800-948-8417 Question iconWho Answers? for help.

Where Can I Find Low-Cost and Free Rehabs in Long Beach?

Long Beach does offer several low-cost and free rehab options, thanks to generous grants from the federal and state governments and private donations. These facilities receive enough outside funding to cover operating costs and charge either very low rates, or provide treatment entirely for free, to individuals who need treatment but are otherwise unable to afford it. These programs aim to make their services accessible to the greater Long Beach community by lowering the financial barriers for lower-income individuals. They typically consider household income when determining eligibility and will likely request recent pay stubs or tax returns to confirm that you qualify for their treatment program. If your income is above a certain threshold, you may not be able to take advantage of this type of rehab.

Does Insurance Cover Alcohol Rehab in Long Beach?

The Affordable Care Act and Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act have been two pivotal pieces of legislation that expand coverage health insurers must provide for treating substance use disorders. This means that if you have health insurance, it will likely cover at least some portion of your treatment costs if you attend alcohol rehab in Long Beach. The extent to which services are covered will depend on your insurance plan, the insurance plans that are accepted by a given rehab facility, and whether your treatment is deemed medically necessary both by a medical professional and your insurance carrier.

Does Medicaid Cover Alcohol Addiction Treatment?

Medicaid, better known as Medi-Cal in California, is a public health insurance program that provides coverage for low-income individuals, including families with children, seniors, people with disabilities, pregnant women, and specific diseases such as breast cancer or tuberculosis. The program is funded equally by the federal and California governments and helps these vulnerable populations access the medical care they need. Medi-Cal does cover treatment for mental health and substance use disorders, including counseling and psychotherapy, hospitalization, medications, and more.2 To learn more about how Medi-Cal can help you pay for alcohol rehab, call us at 800-948-8417 Question iconWho Answers? .

Does Medicare Cover Treatment for Alcoholism?

Medicare is another public health insurance program that is funded by the federal government to provide coverage for individuals who are 65+ years old or individuals with certain disabilities. It is divided into Part A, which covers inpatient services, and Part B, which covers outpatient services and medical equipment. Although Medicare does have limits on the total cost of mental health and substance use disorder treatments, it does provide coverage for inpatient rehab through Part A, and outpatient rehab services through Part B. If you have Medicare, you will find these services covered for you; however, you will still be responsible for any copays you would normally pay for services through Part A or B.

Private Insurance

Private insurance, typically provided through employers, family members, or directly through the Health Insurance Marketplace, will also provide some coverage for alcohol rehab in Long Beach. The amount and services it will cover depend heavily on the insurance carrier and your individual plan. A gold-level plan will likely cover a higher percentage of all your costs, whereas a bronze plan might only provide minimal coverage or require you to meet a high deductible before coverage kicks in. Popular private insurance plans in Long Beach include:

  • Blue Shield of California
  • Anthem Blue Cross of California
  • Health Net
  • Valley Health Plan
  • A. Care Health Plan
  • Western Health Advantage

Popular Alcohol Rehab Centers in Long Beach

American Indian Changing Spirits

American Indian Changing Spirits is a nonprofit residential rehab facility that offers culturally appropriate services and does not discriminate or deny services based on race, ethnic background, religion, sexual orientation, or nation of origin. Their evidence-based treatment program is designed to provide individualized care to anyone who has a desire to recover from a substance use disorder.

Safe Refuge

Safe Refuge offers specific, government-funded programs for the homeless, veterans, parolees, patients with HIV/AIDS, single women or men with children, and those with co-occurring disorders. They take pride in their “open arms” approach, where no one is turned away from treatment, and they are sometimes discovered as a last resort by many seeking help. With a family-oriented residential campus, residents can obtain ongoing treatments, including group and individual counseling, as well as drug and alcohol-free housing for those who have completed their treatment but wish to remain in a supportive environment for longer.

Tarzana Treatment Centers

Tarzana Treatment Centers, Inc. provides high-quality, cost-effective substance misuse and mental health treatments to youth and adult populations. As a nonprofit, community-based organization, they operate a psychiatric hospital and residential and outpatient alcohol treatment centers. Since 1972, we have provided a full continuum of healthcare services to the Long Beach area, with evidence-based treatments that are catered to everyone based on their needs and preferences.

New Found Life

New Found emphasizes the belief that chemical dependency is a treatable condition rather than a moral failure. Its mission is to provide effective alcohol treatment services for adults by addressing each patient’s unique physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs. They provide evidence-based, clinically dynamic therapies through a continuum of treatment, including residential treatment, outpatient care, and an integrated family program to help with the transition to long-term recovery.

Behavioral Health Services

Behavioral Health Services (BHS) is a nonprofit healthcare organization that provides substance use, mental health, drug-free transitional living, older adult services, HIV/AIDS education and prevention, and other related health services to residents throughout LA County. Among their 21 sites located in Los Angeles County, they offer two chemical dependency recovery centers with medical detox and residential/outpatient rehab, three additional residential treatment facilities, twelve outpatient rehab facilities, and four facilities with transitional living programs. They provide services for adolescents, adults, frail elderly, and disabled adults, making them one of the most comprehensive resources for substance use disorder treatment in Long Beach and the greater LA County Area. Their treatment programs embody the values they have established: compassion, dedication, diversity, and integrity.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Alcohol Rehab in Long Beach

Depending on your rehab needs, financial situation, and daily responsibilities, you may find inpatient or outpatient rehab in Long Beach to be the more appropriate setting for you. Inpatient rehab is a more structured, intensive treatment setting for those who need more support to remain sober while they navigate the recovery process, whereas outpatient rehab works well for people who can remain sober in between treatment sessions and who have work or family obligations they can’t step away from to attend residential treatment.

Advantages of Inpatient Addiction Treatment

Inpatient treatment offers several significant advantages for those who are looking for a highly supportive treatment setting to deal with more severe alcohol use disorder. These advantages include:

  • There is a high degree of daily structure and routine.
  • You have access to 24/7 medical support.
  • You are removed from your current environment to start treatment on a blank slate.
  • Many different therapeutic approaches may be offered.
  • You are not able to access alcohol or drugs during treatment.
  • There is a strong sense of community with supportive staff and fellow patients.

Disadvantages of Inpatient Care

While it is a great treatment setting for several reasons, inpatient alcohol rehab is not without its downsides. Compared to outpatient treatment, these disadvantages may include:

  • Some may find the heavy structure overwhelming.
  • It can feel isolating to leave behind friends and family.
  • You must leave your home for weeks or months at a time.
  • With few exceptions, you are unable to keep working during treatment.
  • Inpatient care is often expensive.
  • Transitioning from inpatient care to normal life can be difficult.

Advantages of Outpatient Addiction Treatment

Outpatient treatment offers several benefits, particularly if you are more stable in your recovery and want to pursue treatment while still living at home. These advantages are:

  • The costs for outpatient services are considerably lower.
  • You can maintain your job and community ties.
  • You can build a support network in your own environment.
  • Proximity to family and friends who can provide support.

Disadvantages of Outpatient Rehab

Despite some very strong advantages, the flexibility of outpatient rehab can come at a cost. Disadvantages of this setting include:

  • Full access to alcohol and/or drugs
  • Continued exposure to potential triggers and stressors in your environment that may have contributed to your alcohol dependence
  • Limited professional support in between treatment sessions
  • A greater feeling of stress and isolation if your home situation is unstable and/or unsafe
  • It may be difficult to focus on recovery amidst the rest of life’s responsibilities

Types of Alcohol Rehabs in Long Beach

Long Beach offers a variety of different choices for their rehab programs, both inpatient and outpatient, so you can find the type that fits you best. While they all incorporate evidence-based treatments to help you through your recovery, their specific approach and amenities differ to target specific needs or preferences.

Faith-Based and Christian Rehab

For people who want their Christian faith to be considered and integrated into their treatments, faith-based rehabs fill that need. With a religious-based approach, these facilities offer staff and fellow patients who share your faith and values so your recovery can revolve around the power of God. For someone with deeply rooted religious values, this kind of setting offers a comfortable and familiar feel to maximize treatment outcomes and offer therapies in a context they can best appreciate.

Luxury Alcohol Rehab Centers

With its beautiful scenery and proximity to Los Angeles, Long Beach is a popular spot for many luxury rehabs. These upscale facilities offer extra amenities beyond basic housing, food, and treatments, ensuring that your stay is therapeutic, comfortable, and relaxing. In between high-quality treatment sessions, patients can enjoy features such as pools, spas, outdoor recreation, massage therapy, fitness studios and trainers, private rooms, video games, in-house entertainment, and more. While there will always be a strong emphasis on treatment outcomes and evidence-based practices, luxury rehabs operate under the philosophy that recovery works best when you are as comfortable and cared for as possible.

Executive Rehab Programs

If you are among the many executives, business owners, or politicians in LA County, you may benefit from the executive rehab treatment concept. With amenities, management, and staff that understand and accommodate the professional needs of high-powered positions, executive rehab combines intensive residential treatment with continued access to your work responsibilities. These rehab facilities are well equipped with computers, telecommunications, and workspaces so you can stay connected with your work while you stay at the facility and receive the care and therapies you need. If the thought of leaving work to attend rehab for weeks or months at a time seems impossible, you may want to consider executive rehab for your treatment needs.

Holistic Alcohol Rehab

Sometimes standard rehabs might feel like they are focusing solely on your alcohol use disorder without considering the person behind it. Holistic rehabs, on the other hand, will treat you as a whole person, with consideration of your mental, physical, and even spiritual health in addition to treating your alcohol dependence. This can include physical activities like hiking, yoga, and weightlifting, as well as spiritual approaches like meditation, tai chi, acupuncture, and mindfulness, along with therapy for any co-occurring mental health disorders.

Dual Diagnosis Rehab

For individuals who have both alcohol use disorder and a co-occurring mental health disorder like anxiety, bipolar disorder, or depression, treatment can be much more complex. This is in part because alcohol dependence can develop as a means of coping with other mental health disorders; if a treatment program only focuses on the alcohol use disorder, it is treating the symptoms instead of the root of the problem. Dual diagnosis rehabs specialize in diagnosing and treating co-occurring alcohol use and mental health disorders, making their therapeutic approach particularly effective in approaching alcohol dependence from all angles. With nearly 40% of people with alcohol use disorder meeting the criteria for diagnosis of a mental health disorder, dual diagnosis rehab is an important consideration for many people seeking treatment.3

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) combines mental health counseling, and Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved medications to ease the process of detox and increase the effectiveness of treatments during the recovery process. The medications used have been approved by the FDA solely for treating opioid and alcohol use disorder based on high-quality research demonstrating that they are safe and effective. MAT is a comprehensive treatment approach, and medication is only one part of the equation; without appropriate mental health counseling and other therapies, medication is generally not enough to resolve alcohol use disorder on its own. Benefits of MAT include4:

  • Improved treatment outcomes
  • Lower risk of relapse during recovery
  • Decreased incidence of overdoses
  • Less severe detox symptoms

Naltrexone for Alcohol or Opioid Addiction

Naltrexone is a unique MAT medication due to its ability to treat both opioid use disorder and alcohol use disorder (AUD). Naltrexone binds to “feel-good” endorphin receptors in the brain, blocking alcohol and opioids from activating these receptors to create their familiar intoxicating feelings and effects. This allows patients to discontinue their use of alcohol or opioids with fewer side effects and reduced cravings and better helps them maintain sobriety through the rest of the recovery process. It has been shown to have no potential for misuse, making it extremely safe and very effective in the treatment of these disorders. As with Suboxone, it can be provided by any licensed professional who can prescribe medication, though it is recommended that you speak with your doctor or a rehab professional to determine if it is the right approach for you.

Once the individual stops drinking or taking opiates, Naltrexone also helps them to maintain sobriety. This medication has no potential for misuse, is effective in treating these disorders, and is available from any practitioner who is licensed to prescribe medications.8

Antabuse (Disulfiram) for Alcohol Addiction

Disulfiram is a medication used to discourage drinking by causing unpleasant effects when even a small amount of alcohol is consumed, including headache, nausea, vomiting, choking, and anxiety. It works by blocking the body’s ability to break down alcohol, leading to a buildup of toxic compounds that cause you to become very sick when consuming alcohol. While it is not a complete solution to treating alcohol use disorder, it can be an effective component of recovery. Disulfiram can be obtained by prescription from any practitioner licensed to prescribe.9

Acamprosate for Alcohol Use Disorder

Acamprosate is a medication commonly prescribed to treat AUD by reducing symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and alleviating some of the distress and discomfort experienced during detox. Although its exact mechanism is not fully understood, it works to balance and normalize brain activity that typically experiences severe shifts during alcohol withdrawal. A major benefit of Acamprosate is that, unlike many medications, it is not metabolized by the liver; this allows patients with liver disease or issues, as well as those who continue to drink alcohol, to take the medication with negative effects. It can be obtained through a practitioner who is licensed to prescribe medication.

Should I Travel to Long Beach for Alcohol Rehab?

The question of whether you should travel to Long Beach for rehab depends on several factors. If you are looking for a variety of treatment facilities amidst a scenic backdrop, beautiful beaches and weather, and several luxury rehab options, then Long Beach is a great choice. Additionally, you may want to consider Long Beach if you have insurance that is commonly accepted in the area, family or friends nearby who can provide support and/or housing, or if you simply need a change of scenery and a fresh start for your treatment.

Neighborhoods in Long Beach to Consider When Choosing a Treatment Program

Long Beach is home to many lovely, unique neighborhoods that are the perfect scene for an extended stay. While most neighborhoods you come across are likely to offer many amenities, these four are highly desirable, safe areas you may want to consider when planning your rehab stay.


Sandwiched between California State Long Beach and Cambodia Town, Eastside is known for its culture, international food and shops, and proximity to the beach. Cambodia Town is a 1.2-mile stretch of Cambodian-owned businesses, stores, restaurants, and temples, adding great diversity and character to the area.

Belmont Shore-Naples

This area boasts strong beach vibes, plenty of restaurants, and canals leading to beautiful views of the bay. Water sports and outdoor enthusiasts will love the ample space and designated areas for various activities. If you want a beach feel with lots of things to do, this is your neighborhood.

Downtown Long Beach-Waterfront

With a thriving business district, endless shops, restaurants, and events, the Downtown is a dynamic, walkable neighborhood with plenty to offer. If you’re looking for a city feel with lovely weather and plenty of food, entertainment, and recreation options, look no further.

East Village Arts District

Artists and creative types, rejoice! This is the place for you. Filled with hip coffee shops, art galleries, and restaurants, it has something for everyone. It also features long stretches of murals painted by local artists, adding to the artistic flair of the area.

Drug and Alcohol Laws in California

  • California Employee Protections: employers with 25 or more employees are mandated by the state to make accommodations for any of their employees who choose to voluntarily undergo treatment at an alcohol or drug rehab. This may include unpaid time off, permission to use sick time, and/or the ability to use vacation time.
  • Proposition 36 allows individuals convicted of non-violent crimes to pursue treatment for alcohol or drug addiction instead of incarceration.
  • Senate Bill 110 expands California’s substance use disorder services to include contingency management as a covered benefit under Medi-Cal. This incentivized treatment program works by rewarding patients with gift cards or vouchers for achieving abstinence for certain periods.
  • Senate Bill 349, California Ethical Treatment for Persons with Substance Use Disorder Act, was enacted to ensure anyone receiving care for a substance use disorder gets treated with dignity, honesty, and respect. It requires treatment facilities to utilize evidence-based care, hire qualified treatment staff, care for patients with dual co-occurring substance and mental health disorders, and create a patient bill of rights available to all current and prospective patients.
  • California has a Good Samaritan law that protects anyone who calls 911 for an overdose from being arrested or prosecuted for a crime, even if illegal drugs or underage drinking are involved.


  1. County of Los Angeles Public Health. (2018). City and Community Health Profiles: Long Beach.
  2. California Department of Health Care Services. (2022). Medi-Cal.
  3. Klimkiewicz, A., Klimkiewicz, J., Jakubczyk, A., Kieres-Salomoński, I., & Wojnar, M. (2015). Comorbidity of alcohol dependence with other psychiatric disorders, part I – epidemiology of dual diagnosis. Psychiatria Polska, 49, 265–275.
  4. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2022). Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT).
  5. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2022). Methadone.
  6. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2022). Methadone Take-Home Flexibilities Extension Guidance.
  7. Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School. (2021). 5 myths about using Suboxone to treat opiate addiction.
  8. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2022). Naltrexone.
  9. Winslow, B.T., Onysko, M., Hebert, M. (2016, March 15). Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder. American Family Physician, 93(6), 457-65.
  10. Witkiewitz, K., Saville, K., & Hamreus, K. (2012). Acamprosate for treatment of alcohol dependence: mechanisms, efficacy, and clinical utility. Therapeutics and clinical risk management, 8, 45–53.
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