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Alcohol Rehab in New York City

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If you are looking for alcohol rehab, New York City is among the top cities worldwide to find the right treatments, affordability, and location. You will encounter a wide variety of financial support, treatment approaches, and specialized care. Centers for alcohol rehab in New York City are bound to meet whatever needs you have in treating alcohol use disorder.

In this article:

New York City Alcohol Use Statistics

In 2020, 5.7% of the NYC population over 65 years of age met the criteria for alcohol use disorder.1 In 2021, studies found that 16.7% of New York State residents consumed alcohol excessively over the past month.2 These statistics paint a clear picture. If you are a New Yorker with alcohol addiction or are considering visiting an alcohol rehab in New York City, you are certainly not alone.

Cost of Alcohol Rehab in New York City

The cost of alcohol rehab in New York City varies widely from facility to facility and depends on multiple factors, such as:

  • Type of rehab (inpatient vs. outpatient)
  • Location (e.g., Upper West Side, Crown Heights, Astoria)
  • State and federal funding
  • Accepted insurance plans
  • Features and amenities (luxury vs. standard)
  • Duration of treatment
  • Income level

Generally, inpatient (a.k.a., residential) New York alcohol rehabs cost more than outpatient care due to the costs of room and board. Additionally, luxury rehab provides upscale features, amenities, and comfort during your stay, raising the total cost of treatment.

Low-Cost and Free Alcohol Rehab in New York City

If you do not have the coverage or financial resources to afford treatment, there are many free and low-cost options for alcohol rehab in New York City. These programs receive funding from various sources. Such sources are charitable donations, private endowments, and local, state, and federal government grants. Typically, free programs only are offered to those with limited financial means. Persons who make above a certain level of income may not qualify for such financial assistance.

Low-cost rehabs are available to those unable to access free rehab services yet still find themselves limited in their ability to afford proper alcohol addiction treatment. These facilities generally operate on sliding-scale fees. If you do not qualify for free alcohol rehab but still cannot afford treatment, sliding-scale payments can make treatment affordable.

How to Pay for Alcohol Rehab in New York City

If you lack sufficient health insurance coverage or do not qualify for free or low-cost alcohol rehab in New York City, you have options. Doing the following can help reduce your financial burden:9, 10, 11, 12

  • Contact the Community Health Access to Addiction and Mental Health Care Project (CHAMP) for assistance with insurance coverage, appeals, and referrals to services
  • Apply for grants through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
  • Apply for individual rehab scholarships
  • Raise money on a crowdfunding site
  • Choose a facility that offers payment plans

Choose a Program that Offers Payment Plans

Another way to afford alcohol rehab in New York City is to find a facility offering payment plans. These let you pay for rehab over time. This may involve financing, in which case the rehab program works with you and a third party to secure a loan. You repay the loan to the third party in periodic installments. Other programs may establish the total cost of treatment, divide it into smaller payments over months or years, and let you pay them directly. This is done over time and according to the terms of the agreement.

Apply for a Rehab Scholarship

Rehab scholarships for alcohol rehab in New York City are available if you need treatment but cannot afford it without assistance. They are provided by individual treatment centers, corporations that own and manage treatment facilities, and nonprofit foundations.

Scholarship applications are considered on a case-by-case basis. You must contact the participating facility, corporation, or foundation directly to apply. Facility-based scholarships are limited to the facility. However, corporate scholarships apply to associated facilities operated by the corporation. Some nonprofit scholarships may only apply to certain rehab programs, but they can be more flexible.

One example of a nonprofit rehab scholarship is that offered by Ten Thousand Beds. Anyone may apply if they:13

  • Need treatment for substance addiction
  • Desire to get better
  • Want to commit to at least 30 days in residential treatment
  • Lack sufficient resources to cover treatment costs
  • Have exhausted all external sources of support (family, friends, community resources)

Find a Sliding-Scale Rehab Program

To make alcohol addiction treatment more affordable, many alcohol rehabs in New York City offer treatment costs on a sliding scale. This helps to align the cost of treatment with your ability to afford it, allowing the program to make enough money to cover operating costs while providing rates relative to your financial situation. Sliding scale programs generally consider household income when determining treatment costs, allowing lower-income households to pay less for rehab services.

Verify Your Insurance Coverage

In addition to free and low-cost rehab for affordable treatment, many are surprised to find that their health insurance covers significant costs associated with rehab. In some cases, your insurance may cover all or a significant portion of costs. When looking for alcohol rehab in New York City and determining the cost of treatment, it is vital to connect with your health insurance company. They can help you determine the coverage they offer and how to maximize your benefits. Depending on your insurance, you may find rehab is much more affordable than you expected.

Freedom Institute

Founded in 1976, the Freedom Institute is a nonprofit rehab in New York City. Utilizing a multidisciplinary approach and involving the families of individuals with alcohol use disorders, the program provides custom treatments designed to fit your recovery and build social support to maximize your success following treatment. Two major features include integrating dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and relational family therapy, ensuring you receive the care, attention, and support you need to thrive.


Inter-Care is a private New York rehab serving the working professionals of the city in an outpatient setting. Utilizing DBT, psychotherapy, neurofeedback, group meetings, workshops, and family therapy, highly qualified professionals work to treat the underlying causes of alcohol use disorder to help you develop tools and strategies for long-term results. Their outreach service, the Inter-Care Foundation, provides wellness programs and treatment scholarships to make education and treatment services more accessible.

Mount Sinai Beth Israel

As a world-renowned teaching hospital, Mount Sinai Beth Israel provides boasts an expert team of clinicians to help residents of New York City and surrounding communities overcome their substance use disorders. The Addiction Institute of Mount Sinai program offers alcohol misuse programs in both outpatient and inpatient settings. Their large network of highly capable rehab professionals allows for comprehensive treatment of substance use disorders and any associated psychiatric disorders, affording excellent care for those with dual diagnosis treatment needs.

Reality House

Reality House Inc. is a community-based nonprofit substance misuse rehab center serving patients in the New York City area. Through outpatient and community residential treatment programs, it emphasizes culturally appropriate, modern treatment techniques custom-tailored to your individual needs. In addition to addiction treatments, the program provides group activities, life skill classes, and relapse prevention programs, all geared toward effective patient reintegration upon discharge.

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Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab in New York City

Inpatient and outpatient rehab programs in New York City serve very different purposes, depending on the needs of the individual and their relationship with alcohol. In inpatient rehab, you would reside at the facility for the entire duration of treatment, which commonly lasts for 30, 60, or 90 days. When arriving at an inpatient rehab facility, you complete your intake paperwork and are assigned a bed. Following a professional assessment, you are provided a treatment plan and a highly structured schedule, which generally will include many of the following approaches.

  • Individual, group, or family therapy
  • Support group meetings
  • Relapse prevention education
  • Post-discharge planning
  • Recreational therapy
  • Holistic approaches

Outpatient alcohol rehab in New York City is more flexible for those who need to continue their routine and duties such as working, attending school, or fulfilling familial obligations while recovering from alcohol use disorder. In outpatient treatment, you live at home while attending treatment and counseling sessions at an outpatient facility. These treatment programs can range from a few hours per week of individual therapy sessions to partial hospitalization, which provides several hours of therapy and support per day across multiple days of the week.

Benefits of Inpatient Addiction Treatment

Inpatient addiction treatment offers many benefits for those that require a more intensive, supportive environment for treating alcohol use disorder. These benefits include:

  • Detoxification: Inpatient programs provide a safe place to detox while medical professionals monitor vitals. Alcohol detox lasts anywhere from 3 to 10 days, with withdrawal symptoms starting within 6 hours and generally at their worst at 72 hours. Being in an inpatient rehab facility means you have constant access to help for your withdrawal symptoms through medication and medical monitoring.
  • Success Rate: When someone with an alcohol use disorder attends outpatient rehab, they can go straight to the liquor store after a therapy session. The inpatient setting limits your access to alcohol and increases your overall chances of reaching and maintaining recovery from an alcohol use disorder. An inpatient program provides you with a structured framework to manage relapses and ensure you have the time and resources to address the underlying causes of your substance use disorder.
  • Community: Inpatient facilities facilitate developing fellowship between staff, counselors, and fellow patients. This sense of community can help you feel less isolated, have greater support, and have higher confidence to tackle recovery challenges.

Benefits of Outpatient Addiction Treatment

While inpatient rehab offers its unique benefits, you may find outpatient rehab to be a more appropriate fit, depending on your needs and preferences. Outpatient settings offer their own benefits:

  • Maintaining Employment: Taking several weeks or months off work is a major obstacle when considering inpatient rehab. Many outpatient treatment programs are offered during the evening or off-hours, allowing you to pursue treatment while maintaining employment and a steady paycheck. While a leave of absence to attend alcohol rehab is typically protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the ability to attend outpatient rehab while still working can help relieve your financial concerns and maintain your everyday routine.
  • Treatment Cost: Compared to inpatient addiction treatment, the cost of outpatient treatment is much more affordable. Without the costs associated with housing, food, and round-the-clock care, your outpatient treatment costs will be considerably lower, and your insurance may be more likely to cover them.
  • Family Focus: Treatment in an outpatient rehab setting makes it much easier to maintain a close connection with your family, accept their support, and spend meaningful time with them. The outpatient treatment model allows you to build community in your daily life with those you love and cherish the most.

Types of Alcohol Rehab in New York City

Holistic Rehab

Holistic alcohol rehab in New York City integrates physical, mental, and spiritual components to address addiction from all sides. A key feature of holistic rehab programs is treating you as a whole person and improving your overall well-being rather than targeting a single element of your symptoms or behaviors. This may include approaches and treatment modalities such as:

  • Massage
  • Acupuncture
  • Yoga
  • Meditation and mindfulness
  • Biofeedback and neurofeedback
  • Herbal medicines

The holistic approach works to address your substance use disorder and the broad spectrum of lifestyle factors and personal history that may have played a role in forming the disorder in the first place.

Christian and Faith-Based Rehab

Religious individuals often look to a higher power for guidance during treatment for a substance use disorder. Faith-based New York City rehabs can guide you through this process by incorporating faith-based elements and religious doctrine into the recovery process. This allows you to pursue treatment in the context of your beliefs and builds trust in staff members, fellow peers in recovery, and God. These programs operate on the values of unconditional love, forgiveness, community, and acceptance.

Luxury Rehab

The quality and amenities offered in inpatient alcohol rehabs in New York City will vary considerably, with luxury rehabs offering the highest level of comfort and care. These programs will typically include private rooms, upscale facilities, world-class cuisine, private therapy, and additional benefits, including massage therapy, fitness studios and trainers, pools, and saunas.

Executive Rehab

For many New York City residents, a significant barrier in seeking alcohol addiction treatment is the feeling that you are unable to leave your job. If you are among the many small business owners, high-powered executives, or government officials that call the city home, leaving your work behind for intensive rehab may simply not be an option. To combat this obstacle, executive rehab programs allow you continued access to computers, phones, and conference rooms, giving you the ability to keep your commitment to professional duties.

The management and staff at these facilities get trained to understand your professional needs and priorities, and they can provide the flexibility to continue working during your recovery process. Executive rehab in New York City also allows the opportunity to learn coping strategies to deal with the stress of high-powered positions, which may have contributed to your alcohol use disorder in the first place. Finally, executive rehab is highly confidential, understanding that your privacy is paramount.

Dual-Diagnosis Rehab

Alcohol misuse and mental health disorders rarely happen in isolation. Treating one in isolation is not nearly as effective as addressing both at once. For example, persons with schizophrenia have higher rates of alcohol use disorder than a general control population. Certain genetic and environmental influences that increase the chances of developing mental health disorders also can cause alcohol addiction.3

Dual diagnosis refers to the presence of both alcohol use disorder and a mental health disorder, such as bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, or depression. Dual-diagnosis rehab programs provide professional diagnoses for all your conditions and develop appropriate treatments. A dual-diagnosis treatment program may use therapies such as CBT or DBT to help address your substance use and mental health disorders simultaneously.

Depression and Addiction

Among psychiatric disorders that co-occur with alcohol use disorder, major depressive disorder is the most common. People with alcohol use disorder are 3.7 times more likely to also have a major depressive disorder. Nearly 33% of people in treatment for alcohol use disorder met the criteria for major depressive disorder, meaning just about 1 in 3 people being treated for alcohol use disorder also exhibited clinical depression.4

For those individuals with both alcohol use disorder and depression, a dual-diagnosis or holistic rehab is extremely helpful to address both issues simultaneously.

Anxiety and Addiction

Anxiety and alcohol use disorder have a long, well-established connection in medical research. Studies have shown that up to 50% of individuals receiving treatment for alcohol use disorder also met diagnostic criteria for one or more anxiety disorders. Compared to the prevalence of anxiety disorders in the general population, which is estimated to be 11%, this shows a clear connection between anxiety and alcohol use disorder.5

Like depression, anxiety is an all-too-common factor co-existing with alcohol use disorder and should be treated during rehab. Holistic and dual-diagnosis treatment programs are the perfect approach to addressing the psychiatric and addiction components that necessitate treatment.

PTSD and Addiction

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is another mental health disorder that commonly co-occurs with alcohol use disorder. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, those with PTSD are more likely to have alcohol use disorder, and people with alcohol use disorder often have PTSD. Up to three-quarters of people who survived traumatic events report alcohol use problems, and 60-80% of Vietnam veterans seeking PTSD treatment have alcohol use problems.6 Clearly, PTSD and alcohol use disorder have a significant connection.

If you are experiencing both PTSD and alcohol use problems, it is critical to have both treated simultaneously. If you are a veteran, the Department of Veterans Affairs offers many treatment resources for those seeking help with PTSD and alcohol use disorder. For those suffering from PTSD who do not qualify for VA services, dual diagnosis, holistic, and inpatient rehab settings are particularly appropriate to access the best services and support to address both issues at the same time.

Bipolar Disorder and Addiction

For those with bipolar disorder, accompanying alcohol use disorder is a high likelihood. According to research, 40-70% of those diagnosed with bipolar disorder will exhibit alcohol use disorder in their lifetime.7 Treatment for alcohol use and bipolar disorder should include motivational interviewing (MI), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), or group therapy. Group therapies can incorporate family or fellow peers undergoing treatment. Pharmacological, medication-assisted treatment is often employed depending on your circumstances.

Personality Disorders and Addiction

In the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC), a large, population-based study, 42% of individuals with the diagnostic criteria for any personality disorder also met the criteria for alcohol use disorder. Of those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, nearly 50% met the criteria for alcohol use disorder, and 68% of those diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder exhibit signs of an accompanying alcohol use disorder.8 A dual-diagnosis rehab program is necessary to receive the appropriate guidance, care, and treatment necessary to navigate the complexities of a personality disorder paired with alcohol use disorder.

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Types of Addiction Therapy Used in Rehab

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment approach for substance use disorders. It is based on three main principles:

  1. Psychological problems are partially based on faulty or unhelpful ways of thinking
  2. Psychological problems are partially based on learned patterns of unhelpful behavior
  3. People suffering from these psychological problems can learn coping mechanisms to reduce symptoms

CBT involves strategies to learn how to recognize your own distortions in thinking and how to re-evaluate them, gain a better understanding of your behavior and motivation, use problem-solving skills to cope with difficult situations, and learn to develop a better sense of confidence in your own abilities.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a modified type of CBT. Its main goals are to teach you how to live in the moment, learn healthy ways to cope with stress, better regulate your emotions, and improve your relationships with others. It emphasizes the practice of mindfulness, which helps you focus on the present and live “in the moment.” This helps you pay attention to your thoughts, your feelings, and what is happening around you in nonjudgmental ways.

Mindfulness skills teach you to slow down and practice using healthy coping skills when you experience emotional pain. This can also help you stay calm and avoid engaging in automatic negative patterns of thought or impulsive behaviors, such as drinking or using drugs.

Motivational Enhancement Therapy

Motivational enhancement therapy (MET) is a therapeutic approach that helps persons who are ambivalent toward treating their AUD. Rather than taking you through a stepwise recovery process, it works to induce an internally motivated change to strengthen your motivation and help you build a change plan. This type of therapy consists of an initial assessment session followed by two to four individual treatment sessions with a therapist. These sessions involve eliciting self-motivational statements, creating cessation strategies, and developing coping strategies for high-risk situations. The approach encourages commitment to change or sustained abstinence, promoting long-term changes that are internally motivated.

Contingency Management

In contingency management (CM) interventions, you receive a reward for meeting a treatment goal. Most commonly, you would receive cash, a voucher, or another prize in response to a treatment goal, such as avoiding alcohol for a specified period. The accumulation of multiple treatment goals can also earn larger rewards, incentivizing long-term commitment and adherence to the program. This approach can be utilized by clinicians, staff of rehab facilities, or even family members; anyone who is willing to work with you to develop a system of goals and incentives.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is a common component of many inpatient and outpatient alcohol rehabs in New York City. It can come in many forms depending on the setting, clinician, and treatment population.

  • Educational groups that teach about substance use disorders
  • Skills development groups that work to develop positive coping skills
  • Groups that develop CBT skills to reassess thought, emotion, and behavioral patterns
  • Support groups where members can share their experiences and provide mutual support

The central theme of group therapy is to create a network in which you can experience a sense of understanding, support, and belonging.

Family Therapy

Family therapy utilizes therapy sessions with members of your family and a qualified clinician who can help you and your family resolve issues and maladaptive patterns. This creates an environment where you can face issues that have created misunderstandings, resentments, and estrangements to improve the well-being and cohesion of your family. Substance use disorders are heavily influenced by family dynamics, and oftentimes addressing issues in families affected by these disorders can help to solve the underlying problems from which they began in the first place.

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Should I Travel for Alcohol Rehab in New York City?

Many individuals travel to New York City every year for alcohol addiction treatment. This may be for many different reasons, such as:

  • Living in an adjacent state that does not offer the type of program needed
  • Wanting a change of scenery
  • Knowing family or friends who live in the area and can be supportive
  • Having insurance that covers alcohol rehab in New York City
  • Wanting world-class treatment options in a major city
  • Looking to travel somewhere highly accessible by plane, car, or train

A major benefit of traveling to alcohol rehab in New York City is that it provides an escape from your previous triggers and associations with drinking alcohol. This allows you relief from many daily stressors in your life, which may have caused you to resort to alcohol to cope. A change of scenery allows you to start your treatment with a blank canvas, free of negative associations or destructive habits.

Neighborhoods in New York City to Consider for Treatment

New York City is home to five boroughs: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Each borough comes with its distinct advantages, disadvantages, sights, and local culture, making the choice of location for alcohol rehab in New York City an important consideration.

  • Bronx: The Bronx is home to some of the highest– and lowest-income neighborhoods in NYC. It is known as being particularly culturally and ethnically diverse among all the boroughs.
    • Benefits include a highly multicultural environment, a wide variety of affordability for treatment and housing, and more open space.
    • Drawbacks include more limited transportation options compared to other boroughs, lower air quality due to higher industrialization, and higher crime rates.
  • Brooklyn: This is home to many unique and interesting neighborhoods that are rich in art, culture, and entertainment. With increasing gentrification, the cost of living has seen a dramatic increase over the past decade.
    • Benefits include many desirable neighborhoods, high-quality treatment options, a thriving art and entertainment scene, and access to many green spaces.
    • Drawbacks include heavy traffic and difficulty navigating with a car, long commute times from outside of the city and other boroughs, and high housing costs.
  • Manhattan: This borough boasts a wide spectrum of rehab facility options, from a handful of free and low-cost treatment programs to some of the most luxurious rehab facilities in the country.
    • Benefits include a robust public transportation system, a high concentration of well-educated and highly competent medical professionals, and proximity to countless world-class restaurants, museums, parks, and entertainment.
    • Drawbacks include heavy traffic, high cost of housing when pursuing outpatient treatment, and high population density, which can be stressful for those with anxiety or issues with personal space.
  • Queens: As with Brooklyn, Queens is suburban sprawl area surrounding Manhattan.
    • Benefits include access to many parks and green spaces, easier navigation and parking with a car, and a lower cost of living.
    • Drawbacks include fewer public transportation opportunities, higher commute times when traveling from out of the city or other boroughs, and fewer rehab options compared to Manhattan and Brooklyn.
  • Staten Island: This locale is relatively isolated, with less road and bridge access, no tunnels, and further distance from the rest of the city.
    • Benefits include lower cost of living and easier accessibility from areas of New Jersey.
    • Drawbacks include longer commute times, more isolation from the rest of the city, and more limited choices in rehab facilities.

Alcohol Laws in New York City

New York has several laws and programs designed to increase access to treatment services:14, 15

  • The New York State 911 Good Samaritan Law allows people to call 911 without fear of arrest if they witness or experience an alcohol overdose that requires emergency medical care.
  • The New York Office of Addiction and Substance Abuse Services:
    • Develops comprehensive plans, programs, and services in the areas of research, prevention, care, treatment, education, and training of persons with alcohol use disorder
    • Advises and assists the governor in improving services and developing policies designed to meet the needs of people with substance use disorders and their families
    • Sees that people with a substance use disorder and their families are provided with services, care, and treatment and that such services are of high quality and effectiveness
  • The New York State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL) prohibits employment discrimination based on certain classifications, including alcohol use disorder, for employers covered by both New York law and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

If you are searching for alcohol rehab in New York City, we can help narrow down your options. Give us a call at 800-948-8417 Question iconCalls are forwarded to these paid advertisers to speak to a knowledgeable rehab support specialist.


  1. Weisz, D., & Gusmano, M. K. (2020). Alcohol Consumption by Older New York City Residents: The Need for New Policies to Address Misuse. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 55(4), 448–454.
  2. America’s Health Rankings analysis of CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. (2021). Trend: Excessive Drinking, New York, United States. United Health Foundation.
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2020). Common Comorbidities with Substance Use Disorders Research Report.
  4. McHugh, R. K., & Weiss, R. D. (2019). Alcohol Use Disorder and Depressive Disorders. Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, 40(1).
  5. Anker, J. J., & Kushner, M. G. (2019). Co-Occurring Alcohol Use Disorder and Anxiety: Bridging the Psychiatric, Psychological, and Neurobiological Perspectives. Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, 40(1).
  6. National Center for PTSD. (2021). PTSD and Problems with Alcohol Use. U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
  7. Grunze, H., Schaefer, M., Scherk, H., Born, C., & Preuss, U. W. (2021). Comorbid Bipolar and Alcohol Use Disorder—A Therapeutic Challenge. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12.
  8. Helle, A. C., Watts, A. L., Trull, T. J., & Sher, K. J. (2019). Alcohol Use Disorder and Antisocial and Borderline Personality Disorders. Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, 40(1).
  9. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). Fiscal Year 2022 Grant Announcements and Awards.
  10. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2022). Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant.
  11. (2022). Scholarships for Drug and Alcohol Rehab. OneCare Media, LLC.
  12. Community Service Society. (2022). Community Health Access to Addiction and Mental Healthcare Project (CHAMP).
  13. Ten Thousand Beds, Inc. (2021). How to Apply for a Scholarship.
  14. New York State Department of Health. (2021). New York State’s 911 Good Samaritan Law Protects YOU.
  15. New York State Division of Human Rights. (n.d.). Basic Guide to the Human Rights Law and the Division of Human Rights.
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