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Alcohol Rehab Centers in Raleigh, North Carolina

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Are you considering attending alcohol rehab in Raleigh, North Carolina? The City of Oaks certainly has a lot to offer in the way of community, scenery, and attractions, along with various inpatient and outpatient alcohol rehabs to choose from. If you need help figuring out how to find the right alcohol rehab in Raleigh to meet your treatment needs, learning what considerations to evaluate can help you make an informed decision.

North Carolina Alcohol and Drug Use Statistics

Although North Carolina’s prevalence of excessive drinking is lower than the national average, 27% of adults who drink reported binge drinking in 2018, and 12% of adults who drink reported heavy drinking within the last 30 days. As the third leading cause of preventable death, there were 1900 alcohol-related deaths in North Carolina that were considered preventable in 2017, and 24% of fatal motor vehicle crashes in 2019 involved alcohol.1

Raleigh’s Wake County has the highest alcohol outlet density in the state, a metric that research shows is associated with increased community-level problems including neighborhood disruption, property damage, alcohol-impaired driving, child abuse, and domestic violence. While 9 out of 10 people who engage in excessive drinking do not have alcohol use disorder, excessive drinking is nonetheless responsible for increased risky behavior, violence, suicide, homicide, and vehicular accidents in North Carolina.1

Cost of Alcohol Rehab in Raleigh

Are you committed to seeking treatment in alcohol rehab in Raleigh but not sure what to expect in terms of costs? Due to the wide variety of rehab programs, government subsidies, health insurance plans, financial assistance programs, and other financial factors, it is difficult to give an exact answer as to how much you will have to pay out-of-pocket to get treatment.

However, in general, you will find that inpatient rehab is significantly more expensive than outpatient rehab services, and more specialized or luxurious care will come at a greater cost that more standard facilities and treatments. There are many ways to reduce or outright eliminate your costs for rehab, with several options listed below. If you are still confused about your costs, call us at 800-948-8417 Question iconCalls are forwarded to these paid advertisers for help.

Where Can I Find Low-Cost and Free Alcohol Rehabs in Raleigh?

With the help of state and federal funding, several alcohol rehabs in Raleigh offer low-cost or free treatment services to individuals who need help but are struggling to afford it on their own. To qualify, your income generally needs to be under a certain level based on recent pay stubs or tax returns, in which case you will be able to get treatment for these reduced or free rates. Each program has different eligibility requirements and will work with you to find how they can assist in getting you the treatment you need at prices you can afford.

Does Insurance Cover Rehab in Raleigh?

Due to legislation in the past two decades such as the Affordable Care Act, health insurance is generally mandated to provide coverage for mental health and alcohol use disorder (AUD) treatments. While your out-of-pocket costs can vary based on your insurance plan, alcohol rehab is considered a medically appropriate and necessary service for individuals who have alcohol use disorder, and insurance companies must legally recognize it as such.

Medicaid for Alcohol Rehab

North Carolina Medicaid is a health insurance program for certain low-income funded by federal, state, and county governments. Covering over one million North Carolinians, it provides healthcare coverage for children, people 65+ years old, those who are blind, disabled, pregnant, and other specific groups. As health insurance partially funded by the federal government, North Carolina Medicaid does provide coverage for alcohol rehab services in Raleigh. If you have Medicaid, the best way to determine which rehabs are covered and the costs you can expect is to contact the phone number on the back of your Medicaid card to discuss your coverage with an authorized representative.

Medicare for Alcohol Rehab

Medicare is America’s federally funded health insurance program for individuals who are 65 years or older, have certain disabilities, or are experiencing end-stage kidney disease. It is composed of Part A, which covers inpatient care as well as other services such as certain types of homecare, and Part B, covering outpatient and doctor services as well as medical equipment. Many people with Medicare also have secondary insurance coverage, which reduces or eliminates any copays or coinsurance that may come with medical services and treatments.

Medicare does cover alcohol rehab treatments, though its coverage of treatment for mental health and AUDs is more limited than its coverage of most other services. There are often limits on the maximum amount Medicare will cover for treatment in a year, and it is selective about which treatments and rehabs it considers medically necessary. However, the bottom line is that if you have Medicare coverage, it will likely cover a large portion of your alcohol rehab treatment. For more information, call your Medicare plan administrator to speak with a representative and determine what kind of costs you may be responsible for.

Private Insurance

Thanks to the legislation mentioned above, health insurance plans do provide coverage for treatment in alcohol rehab, though the exact out-of-pocket costs you can expect will vary depending on your insurance plan and the rehab facility. More comprehensive coverage like gold-level health insurance plans will cover a larger portion of your treatment costs, while you will generally have to pay more of the bill if you have a bronze or high deductible plan. Popular insurers in Raleigh include:

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina
  • Aetna
  • Cigna Health
  • Bright HealthCare
  • United Healthcare

Popular Alcohol Rehab Centers in Raleigh

The Carter Clinic

With Raleigh hosting one of its eight locations, the Carter Clinic provides an unparalleled level of care with a commitment to treat each person with courtesy, fairness, and respect. They offer AUD treatments to individuals and families and work with you every step of the way to create a supportive and comprehensive treatment environment.

Healing Transitions

The mission of Healing Transitions is to provide innovative peer-based, recovery-oriented services to homeless, uninsured, and underserved individuals with AUDs. Their program is designed to rekindle your desire and ability to return to a productive and meaningful life through high-quality treatments and peer support. The factors that set them apart from other rehabs include on-demand recovery services, no financial barriers, opportunities for as many rounds of treatment as necessary, and a peer-to-peer treatment model.

Welwynn Outpatient Center

Providing outpatient services designed specifically for executives, professionals, and their families, Welwynn Outpatient Center is highly discrete and offers well-equipped clinicals to guide you on your path to recovery. They understand that for many professionals suffering from AUDs, such as executives, lawyers, physicians, pharmacists, and others, there is so much at stake that addressing the problem seems too risky, and concealing it seems like the safer approach. That is why their program is tailored for these individuals, allowing them to receive the care they need without fear of professional consequences.

Arbor Counseling

Arbor Counseling, a non-medical outpatient counseling facility, specializes in the assessment and treatment of mental health disorders including substance use. They utilize a holistic, person-centered approach that promotes self-caring behavioral change through awareness, acceptance, action, and accountability. They work with each client to identify personalized and practical treatment objectives, coordinate care with other specialized service providers, facilitate referrals to clinics, and help identify and connect to relevant community resources.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Alcohol Rehab in Raleigh

Not all individuals with alcohol use disorder require the same level and type of treatment, so inpatient and outpatient alcohol rehabs in Raleigh offer differing levels of care to meet the needs of a varied population of people seeking treatment. Inpatient care is generally reserved for those who need an extremely stable, controlled rehab environment where they can receive intensive therapy and other treatment modalities, whereas outpatient care works best for individuals who can handle living at home and effectively manage their day-to-day lives in between treatment sessions. Some may start their treatment with inpatient rehab and progress to outpatient services, some may begin with outpatient rehab; it depends on each situation, personal needs, and preferences.

Advantages of Inpatient Addiction Treatment

Inpatient alcohol rehab can be a very effective setting if you are looking for structure, routine, and heavy support. There are several key advantages of inpatient treatment, which include your ability to:

  • Experience a feeling of support and community with other patients and staff
  • Undergo recovery in an environment completely free of drugs and alcohol
  • Receive an individualized treatment plan including evidence-based therapies
  • Connect with education, resources, and peer support for transitioning back to normal life after treatment
  • Focus on your recovery while your daily needs are taken care of

Disadvantages of Inpatient Alcohol Rehab

While inpatient rehab is a great setting for those who can benefit from its structure, it can come with its drawbacks. Some of the disadvantages are that you may:

  • Experience feelings of isolation and loneliness, having to leave friends and family behind while receiving treatment
  • Feel overwhelmed by the heavy routine and intensive treatments
  • Struggle with the transition back to living at home
  • Pay significantly more for treatment

Advantages of Outpatient Addiction Treatment

For individuals who have completed an inpatient treatment program, or those who can begin their recovery with less support, outpatient rehab is a great choice. It comes with advantages, such as:

  • Much lower cost than inpatient
  • You can maintain your professional and household responsibilities
  • You are more able to build a network of support in your local environment
  • Treatments are often offered during off-hours, so you can more easily fit them into your daily routine

Disadvantages of Outpatient Alcohol Rehab

Despite many benefits, outpatient rehab also has its share of disadvantages. You will generally have:

  • Continued access to alcohol every day
  • Less peer and professional support in between outpatient treatment sessions
  • More difficulty focusing on your recovery in addition to all your daily responsibilities
  • Increased stress if your living situation is unstable or dangerous

Types of Alcohol Rehabs in Raleigh

Raleigh offers several different types of rehab programs, which cater to specific needs and/or desires of patients. If you want a particular approach or style of treatment, you may want to consider searching for one of these programs.

Faith-Based and Christian Rehab

Are you religious? Do you look to God for guidance during difficult times in your life? If so, you will likely benefit from a faith-based Christian rehab, which will deliver alcohol rehab treatments in the context of faith and the loving support of a higher power. While many rehab programs can be secular and devoid of religious underpinnings, these types of rehabs aim to incorporate religious elements and build a community of like-minded staff and fellow patients to help you through your mental and spiritual journey through recovery.

Luxury Rehab

For those who are looking for maximum comfort and relaxation amidst their treatment at inpatient alcohol rehab, there are luxury rehabs that offer extra amenities to make your stay as luxurious as possible. This can include offerings such as pool and spa access, deluxe entertainment options, private accommodations, food prepared by private chefs, a variety of recreational activities, massage therapy, personal trainers, and more. A popular option with many celebrities and wealthy individuals, luxury rehabs do come with a significantly higher price tag, though they often claim improved treatment outcomes due to the reduced stress and improved comfort these amenities provide.

Executive Rehab

Many high-powered professionals and executives have positions that make it impossible to step away from their work responsibilities, as well as making these individuals fearful of the possible professional consequences they may experience when pursuing treatment. For this type of patient, both inpatient and outpatient executive rehabs offer confidentiality, continued access to business amenities and work responsibilities, and treatments focused on positive coping strategies to mitigate the heavy stress these positions generally cause.

Outpatient executive rehab is highly discreet, offers very flexible treatment schedules during off-hours, and prioritizes work commitments during the treatment process. Inpatient executive, also offering a high level of discretion, provides access to phones, computers, and conference rooms, and management and staff are highly trained to understand and accommodate business needs.

Holistic Rehab

Holistic rehab programs operate under the philosophy that alcohol dependence does not happen in isolation and is often intimately connected to one’s physical, social, mental, and spiritual health. As a result, treatment focuses on approaching alcohol use disorder from all angles by viewing you as a whole person with unique experiences, needs, and struggles, and building a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses all these areas of your wellbeing. This is all provided in addition to evidence-based therapies, and the holistic approach may include practices such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, spiritual retreats, recreational activities, social gatherings, and more.

Dual Diagnosis Rehab

A dual diagnosis is a situation in which an individual has both AUD and a mental health disorder, such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, or schizophrenia. With research showing a very high prevalence of dual diagnosis, nearly half of people with AUD also meet the criteria for diagnosis of a mental health disorder, making it a very important consideration regarding treatment.

Dual diagnosis rehab provides comprehensive evaluations and treatment that take the high likelihood of a dual diagnosis in individuals with alcohol dependence into consideration, which significantly improves treatment outcomes by addressing both issues together. If you are struggling with AUD and have been diagnosed with or suspect you have an additional mental health disorder, dual diagnosis rehab will provide the most individualized and targeted treatment for your specific situation and diagnosis.2

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is a combination of mental health counseling and medications that are Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved for the treatment of AUD and opioid use disorder (OUD). Research demonstrates MAT causes3:

  • Improved outcomes compared to mental health counseling alone
  • A lower risk of relapse during and following rehab treatment
  • Significant decreases in the occurrence of overdoses
  • Reduced severity of withdrawal symptoms

While MAT has been proven to be an effective approach to treatment, it is important to note that medication is only part of the program, and mental health counseling and therapy are still necessary to ensure successful outcomes and a full recovery.

Naltrexone for Alcohol or Opioid Addiction

Naltrexone is another MAT medication used to treat both OUD and AUD. The medication works by binding to endorphin receptors in the brain to block the intoxicating effects of opioids and/or alcohol. This effect helps patients reduce their dependence on these substances and assists them in maintaining sobriety during the recovery process. As with Suboxone, you should consult a licensed medical professional to inquire about the use of this medication.7

Antabuse (Disulfiram) for Alcohol Addiction

Disulfiram is another medication used in MAT to discourage drinking. It works by blocking the body’s ability to break down alcohol, which leads to a buildup of toxic compounds when you consume alcohol, causing symptoms like nausea, vomiting, anxiety, difficulty breathing, and more. Disulfiram is effective in treating AUD in conjunction with appropriate mental health therapy and can be obtained by prescription from any medical practitioner with a license to prescribe.8

Acamprosate for Alcohol Use Disorder

Acamprosate is a medication commonly prescribed to treat AUD by reducing symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and alleviating some of the distress and discomfort experienced during detox. Although its exact mechanism is not fully understood, it works to balance and normalize brain activity that typically experiences severe shifts during alcohol withdrawal. A major benefit of Acamprosate is that, unlike many medications, it is not metabolized by the liver; this allows patients with liver disease or issues, as well as those who continue to drink alcohol, to take the medication with negative effects. It can be obtained through a practitioner who is licensed to prescribe medication.9

Should I Travel to Raleigh for Alcohol and Drug Treatment?

If you are considering traveling to Raleigh for alcohol rehab, there are certainly plenty of options for treatment programs, neighborhoods, transportation, and recreation. There are many reasons why you might want to travel for treatment:

  • You have friends or family nearby.
  • Your current environment does not meet your treatment needs.
  • Rehabs in Raleigh accept your health insurance.
  • Raleigh offers a fresh start, free of old habits and triggers.

Neighborhoods in Raleigh to Consider for Treatment

Brier Creek

Located in Northwest Raleigh about 30 minutes from the city center, Brier Creek is a quiet, safe, and spacious suburb offering proximity to the Raleigh-Durham International Airport, ample outdoor activities, and nearly limitless options for cuisine.

Cameron Village

Cameron Village is located near North Carolina State University and offers affordable housing, a wide variety of restaurant and entertainment options, and lots of parks and green spaces for leisurely strolls.

Five Points

Offering a safe, active, scene with affordable housing and family-friendly activities, Five Points is another suburb with a lot to offer.

North Hills

Known as Raleigh’s “Midtown,” North Hills is one of the city’s fastest-growing communities, known for its modern housing options, excellent schools, a high safety rating, and thriving restaurant scene. If you are looking for a comfortable, welcoming place to stay, North Hills may be the right choice for you.

Drug and Alcohol Laws in North Carolina

North Carolina utilizes Drug Treatment Courts (DTC), which work to ensure that individuals who have been convicted of nonviolent crimes and have problems with alcohol dependence can receive the appropriate treatment they need to become healthy, law-abiding, and productive members of the community. Adult DTC works with non-violent offenders who are facing jail or prison time to reduce recidivism, reduce the court workload, and reduce substance dependence among offenders.


  1. North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. (2019). Alcohol & the Public’s Health in North Carolina.
  2. Klimkiewicz, A., Klimkiewicz, J., Jakubczyk, A., Kieres-Salomoński, I., & Wojnar, M. (2015). Comorbidity of alcohol dependence with other psychiatric disorders, part I – epidemiology of dual diagnosis. Psychiatria Polska, 49, 265–275.
  3. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2022). Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT).
  4. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2022). Methadone.
  5. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2022). Methadone Take-Home Flexibilities Extension Guidance.
  6. Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School. (2021). 5 myths about using Suboxone to treat opiate addiction
  7. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2022). Naltrexone
  8. Winslow, B.T., Onysko, M., Hebert, M. (2016, March 15). Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder. American Family Physician, 93(6), 457-65.
  9. Witkiewitz, K., Saville, K., & Hamreus, K. (2012). Acamprosate for treatment of alcohol dependence: mechanisms, efficacy, and clinical utility. Therapeutics and clinical risk management, 8, 45–53.
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