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By the time you’ve reached step 11 of Alcoholics Anonymous, you’ve probably accomplished a lot.
You’ll have admitted your powerlessness over alcohol, turned over your life to a Higher Power, admitted your mistakes to others, and even tried to make amends for those mistakes.
You might feel like there’s nothing else to accomplish.
However, a huge part of AA is preparing yourself for life after the 12 steps. And step 11 is one of the biggest tools in accomplishing that.
By understanding step 11 and committing to following it in your everyday life, you can take one step closer to maintaining your sobriety long-term.
What Is Step 11?
Step 11 is all about strengthening and maintaining your relationship with a higher power.
It requires that participants have“sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.”
In earlier steps, you’ve begun to develop a relationship with the higher power of your choice. You surrendered your will to them, admitted your mistakes to them, and even asked for help removing defects of character.
Now that you’ve overcome these obstacles, it’s time to maintain that relationship. In step 11, you’ll get even closer to this higher power through prayer and meditation.
If you need more help understanding step 11, we’d be glad to assist you. Our representatives can talk with you more about how the 12-step program works. Get in touch with us by calling 800-948-8417 Sponsored .
Understanding God’s Will for You
One of the reasons step 11 wants you to get closer to God is so that you can better understand what He wants for you.
It was God’s will that you enter an AA program and start getting help for your addiction. Giving up your old life, making amends to those you’ve hurt, and altering your behavior was all part of God’s will.
Now that those achievements are over, it’s time to focus on the future. Everyone might have a different vision of how they will live life after their addiction is over. That’s why it’s so important to connect with and listen to your version of a higher power.
Only they can help guide you along your journey and push you to continue on a positive path.
Overall, this step probably won’t result in a huge epiphany. However, it will help you realize that you might not have all the answers. That’s ok, because your higher power will offer you all the help and support you need to continue growing.
Take a Nature Walk
In order to enact step 11 in your everyday life, one activity you can try is a walk through nature. Instead of speed walking along in an effort to finish quickly, try walking slowly and focusing on the things you usually ignore.
Observe the beautiful colors of the flowers around you, and how the different shapes and sizes give each plant a unique beauty. Keep an eye out for wildlife, from minuscule insects to grazing deer. Each of these living things is interconnected and a part of God’s universe.
At the end of your walk, you should feel a deep connection with your higher power.
Pray and Meditate Daily
It’s also important to pray and meditate daily, otherwise, you might lose track of your purpose. Always devote at least 15 minutes to focus, preferably before bed, as it allows you to reflect on the day’s events.
If you’re having trouble focusing, it can help to choose a word or mantra to focus on in the moment. You might even want to devote each day to a different mantra, as it can help give you something to focus on and learn from.
When meditating, focus on breathing and relaxation techniques in order to remove any stress or anxiety that might be holding you back. Even guided imagery can be a great tool for deepening your relationship with God.
Overall, the ways that you choose to enact step 11 are entirely up to you. It’s a deeply personal step that really centers around you and your higher power. If you need more help on how to develop a closer bond with that higher power, just call us at 800-948-8417 Sponsored for more helpful tips.