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Using an AA Meeting Finder to Help You Stay Sober

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Founded in 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous has been helping recovering alcoholics stay sober for decades. Going to AA meetings can help you achieve sobriety, and allows you to help and inspire other alcoholics to do the same. The key to experiencing lasting success with sobriety is to find the right AA group that can motivate and support you throughout your journey to an alcohol-free life. If you’re looking for an AA group, consider using an AA meeting finder to connect you with a group that works best for you.

While using an online AA meeting finder is one of the most effective ways to find a local AA group, you can also call our helpline at 800-948-8417 Question iconSponsored for guidance with finding and choosing an AA meeting. Our treatment specialists are available around the clock to discuss available treatment and recovery options.

Want to attend an AA group in your area? Check out the following tips on how to use an AA meeting finder tool to find your next AA meeting, and get started on the path to happiness, improved health, and lifelong sobriety.

Head to the Internet

AA Meeting Finder

A simple internet search will direct you to an AA meeting finder.

Launch your favorite search engine and type “AA meeting finder” into the search field. The web page will display AA meeting finder tools you can use to find local AA meetings in your area. For more specific results, type “AA meeting finder” along with the name of your town or city to access AA meeting finder tools specific to your location.

Search Nearby

Some AA meeting finders allow you to drill down by state and city to view all AA groups in your region. You can also search by zip code to find AA meetings closest to your current location. For the best results, enter your current address, and check out the AA groups located near your home.

Search Specific Times and Days

AA meetings are held at different times on different days of the week to accommodate all recovering alcoholics and their busy schedules. If you generally stay busy with work, school, children, or other obligations, search for AA meetings that work best for you based on your schedule. Choose the days of weeks and blocks of time during which you can attend meetings, and browse through results.

Browse AA Meeting Types

There are several types of AA meeting styles, depending on your unique preferences, and on the type of setting that makes you feel most comfortable. For example, you can attend an “open” meeting that welcomes anyone, including non-alcoholic relatives, social workers, and journalists, or you can attend a “closed” meeting limited to alcoholics only. You can also attend AA meetings that are gender- and age-specific.

Examples of other common AA meeting types that might be available in your area are “Big Book” meetings, which focus on specific text from the Big Book (otherwise known as Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism), as well as “limited” meetings, where alcoholics can bring members of their immediate family such as spouses and children.

Attend the AA meeting

After you find one or two AA meetings you think might work best for you based on your recovery needs, map out directions to the meeting venue and attend the next scheduled meeting. Pretty soon, you’ll be on your way to lifelong sobriety with help from other recovering alcoholics who have walked in your footsteps.

Do you need help using an AA meeting finder or identifying active AA groups in your area? Call our helpline at 800-948-8417 Question iconSponsored to speak to a treatment specialist who can help you get started on the path to recovery. It’s never too late to treat addiction — contact us today to get immediate answers to your questions about recovering from alcohol addiction.

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