Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Alcohol is the most frequently used and misused substance in the United States.1 In 2019, 25.8% of adults 18 or older reported binge drinking within the previous month. More than 6% reported that they engaged in heavy alcohol use within the last 30 days.2 If you find yourself in this situation and you’re looking for AA information, you have many resources available.
The website is an excellent place to start if you’re looking for AA leads and other information about AA. You can find valuable information online regarding meetings, literature, and other important information that can help you find the right AA resources.
AA Meeting Finder
If you’re looking for an AA meeting to attend, you can begin by visiting the AA meeting finder on the AA website. When you visit the site, you’ll be able to find an AA organization near you. Once you choose the state that you’re in, you will get a list of counties. Choose the one where you’d like to attend a meeting, and you’ll then arrive at a new page that has a list of available meetings in your area. You will have the option to click “view details,” which brings you to a page that provides more specific information about the meetings.
This page provides the time of the meeting, the location, and a map of where the meeting is, whether the meeting is open or closed (open meetings are for friends, family, or anyone who wishes to attend, and closed meetings are only for people who wish to stop drinking alcohol) and if there is wheelchair access. It will also include whether the meeting is intended for newcomers.
Finding an AA meeting at a convenient location and at the right time is essential. If the meeting is too far away, or if the time that it takes place is not convenient, it will give you an excuse not to attend. This is especially true when you first start attending. AA even offers virtual meetings online, so if you can’t make it in person – but you still want to connect with other people who understand what you’re going through – you can attend an online meeting from the comfort of your own home.
For many people, attending their first AA meeting can be very intimidating. They don’t know what to expect and may not know anyone at the meeting. For people who are shy or aren’t yet comfortable enough to go to a meeting in person, attending an online meeting is a good way to start. This will give you an idea of how the meetings work.
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24-Hour AA Hotline
Another excellent tool for obtaining AA information is the 24-hour Alcoholics Anonymous hotline. The hotline is an around-the-clock phone service staffed by AA members throughout the world. You can utilize the hotline in the following ways:
Get Help Staying Sober
If you’ve decided to quit drinking, that’s a significant and brave step to take. Sometimes, staying on the right path can be difficult. If you have a moment where you want to drink, or you are struggling with staying sober in general, you can call the 24-hour AA hotline. When you call, you’ll speak with an AA member who will try to help you with your struggles. The person who answers the phone will be at least one year alcohol-free, so they know what you are going through. It will also be someone who is actively involved with the program. This person can provide suggestions on how to stay sober, or they can help you find a local AA meeting. In some circumstances, they can even take you to a meeting.
If you’re worried about your privacy, it may bring you comfort to know that calls are completely confidential. No one has to know you called unless you want them to.
Worried About a Friend
If you’re worried about the drinking of a friend or loved one, calling the hotline can be helpful as well. The individuals who staff the hotline can help you come up with ways to help your friend or loved one. This might include getting them to a meeting or just getting advice about how to help them. Whatever the situation, the AA 24-hour hotline can be of assistance. If they don’t know exactly how to help you, they can connect you with the appropriate resources.
More AA Info
If you’re just looking for general information about AA, the hotline can be an excellent resource for this as well. Since the person who answers the phone is a member of AA and is actively involved in the program, they should be able to answer most AA-related questions, including where to find a meeting, what type of meetings are available, how meetings work, and more.
Alcoholics Anonymous Literature
AA has an official guide to 12-Step meetings and the program called The Big Book. This book shares the teachings and steps of the program and is a guide for members, providing information on how to stay sober.3 It also has numerous stories of people who were struggling with alcohol misuse and then recovered.3
If you don’t know anything about AA and you’re looking for information, AA literature, such as The Big Book, is a great place to start. This is another step you can take before you go to a meeting so you can familiarize yourself with the language and how AA is supposed to work. You certainly don’t have to read any or all of The Big Book before you attend your first meeting, but it can be a good way to help you get acquainted with the program.
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings
One of the best ways to familiarize yourself with AA and learn more about the organization is to attend AA meetings. When you attend an actual meeting, you will get to see firsthand how they work. Many other people in recovery will also be at the meetings. Almost anyone at an AA meeting will be happy to speak with you and share their experiences with the program.
If you want to learn as much as you can about AA, you can attend different types of meetings. For example, there are speaker meetings, Big Book meetings, beginner’s meetings, and more. They all operate under the same principles and are designed to help people get and stay sober. You may find that you enjoy one type of meeting much more than another.
Beginner’s Meetings — A Good Place to Start
If you’re brand new to AA, beginner’s meetings can be very beneficial. At a beginner’s meeting, people will generally be eager to help you and share their experiences, strength, and hope.
This type of meeting can help someone who is newly sober or someone who wants to stop using alcohol learn more about AA. It’s a good place to find out how AA started, what the 12 Steps mean, and how you’re supposed to incorporate them into your own life.
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Who Needs to Learn About Alcoholics Anonymous?
Many people will go through their entire life and know nothing about Alcoholics Anonymous. Others might hear about it in passing but never attend a meeting. Still, others will one day attend a meeting for themselves or those who may want more information so they can help a loved one. If you find yourself needing help, it’s important to realize that there’s nothing embarrassing about asking for it. If you’re unsure if your alcohol use is problematic, it can be helpful to learn more about alcohol misuse and its symptoms.
Take a look at the following criteria, which can determine if you or a loved one may need to consider reducing your alcohol consumption:4
- You drink more alcohol or spend longer periods drinking than you originally intended.
- You have a desire to drink alcohol, or you have been unable to reduce your alcohol intake.
- You spend a lot of time obtaining, using, or recovering from drinking too much alcohol.
- You have strong cravings to drink alcohol.
- You are unable to fulfill family, work, or other important obligations because of your alcohol use.
- You continue to drink alcohol despite the negative consequences.
- You stop engaging in social or work activities and spend your time drinking alcohol instead.
- You continue to drink alcohol even when it is physically dangerous.
- You continue to drink, knowing that you should consider reducing your alcohol intake.
- You have an increased tolerance for alcohol.
- You experience withdrawal effects when you don’t drink alcohol, or you drink alcohol to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.
According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), if you meet 10 or 11 of the above criteria within 12 months, you are considered to have a problematic pattern of substance use.4
Alcoholics Anonymous Can Help
Deciding that you need to reduce your alcohol consumption can be a tough decision to make. It could also turn out to be the best decision of your life. Research shows that individuals who attend AA or other 12-Step meetings are more likely to remain abstinent from substances they misuse than those who don’t attend.5 Therefore, AA can be a great resource for people who are interested in reducing their alcohol intake.
If you want to learn about AA or any other type of treatment for your alcohol use, there is always help available. Contact us today at 800-948-8417 Sponsored to speak with a treatment specialist who can help connect you with the treatment you need.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Alcohol Misuse.
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2021, June). Alcohol Use In The United States.
- Northwest Arkansas Alcoholics Anonymous. AA History and How The Big Book Was Put Together.
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018, July). The Science of Drug Use and Addiction: The Basics.
- Lee Ann Kaskutas (2009, September 18). Alcoholics Anonymous Effectiveness: Faith Meets Science
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