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11th Step

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


1717 E Vista Way #113
Vista, CA 92084

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: Closed AA meetings in California are not open to the general public. They are reserved for members and anyone who has a desire to stop drinking. Discussions are personal in nature and related to alcohol addiction recovery.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in California help members share their thoughts and feelings on a specific topic related to alcoholism and recovery. A pre-determined speaker will open the meeting by sharing a topic from an AA text, such as the Big Book or AA Grapevine. After discussing the topic briefly, they will open the floor for others to speak.

Meditation: Meditation AA meetings feature physical and emotional calmness as a main method of healing. The meetings open with 15 minutes of private mediation and close with an additional 5 minutes of meditation.

Other AA Meetings In Vista

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24 Hours A Day

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3PM Zoomers

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Grupo 8 de Mayo

280 Vista Village Dr #103 Vista, CA 92083

Women’s Acceptance

1755 Thibodo Rd Vista, CA 92081

11th Step Meeting

4198 Mission Ave Oceanside, CA 92057

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