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428 Club Meeting

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


101 Grant St
Potomac, IL 61865

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: In Illinois, AA meetings often feature discussions centered on the Big Book. Clients read this collection of stories about men and women who overcame alcohol use disorder for inspiration.

Closed: Closed AA meetings in Illinois are not open to outside observers. Instead, only AA members or individuals looking for help with a drinking problem are invited to attend. The discussions center around topics related to alcoholism and recovery and are of particular value to newcomers.

Wheelchair Access: In Illinois, AA meetings with wheelchair access generally have ramps and designated parking spots. Clients can safely navigate the facility’s layout and amenities to participate in their meetings.

Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom: Selected AA centers offer wheelchair-accessible bathrooms for participants. These bathrooms have enough space for a wheelchair to safely navigate, and can include private stalls with guardrails, reachable toilet paper and seat cover dispensers, a wash basin, and other amenities.

Other AA Meetings In Potomac

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Monday nigh 7pm Mecca

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