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Kissimmee, FL

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Meeting Notes

Meeting ID: 626-000-773 - No Password Contact: Chris H. Email: [email protected]


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

12 Steps & 12 Traditions: Florida's AA programs offer a lifeline of support through the 12 Steps and Traditions, helping individuals find lasting sobriety. Meetings provide a welcoming environment for all seeking recovery and fostering feelings of hope and community.

Big Book: The Big Book is a collection of stories from men and women who overcame alcohol use disorder. The Big Book is often a center of discussion in many Florida AA meetings.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Florida are based around one topic designed to spur group conversation. The leader will normally choose the topic from an AA text, such as Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Once they share a brief reflection, others can participate and add their input.

Literature: Literature-focused AA meetings in Florida are community support meetings for people affected by alcohol addiction. These sessions offer peer support within a 12-step program based on AA literature, including AA workbooks, the Big Book of AA, and other writings by AA founders and leaders.

Speaker: Florida AA programs often include motivational speakers to inspire clients to maintain sobriety. Speakers mix humor, charm, raw emotions, and faith to get their points across.

Step Meeting: AA members in Florida often schedule step meetings in their programs. In these meetings, members read from texts like Twelve Steps, talk about their level of progress, and strategize for greater improvement for their next meeting.

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