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AA Recovery Group of Windsor

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


328 Walnut St
Windsor, CO 80550

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Meeting Notes

Last Monday Birthdays.


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Birthday: In AA, birthdays refer to the last day (or the day after) that a member used alcohol or drugs. Birthday anniversaries are celebrated as milestones to encourage sobriety.

Closed: Closed AA meetings in Colorado are restricted to just members or anyone who has a drinking problem and wants to seek help. Discussions are informal. Everyone is encouraged to participate and share about their alcohol addiction and recovery journey.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Colorado are based on a central topic related to alcohol addiction and recovery. A member will open the meeting by reading a related passage from a relevant AA text, such as the Big Book or Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Then, other members can share their input on the subject as they feel led.

Open: Open AA meetings in Colorado aren’t restricted to members only. Instead, anyone from the community is welcome to attend and learn more about how AA works and what the 12 step recovery model includes. This includes friends, family members, and spouses of individuals seeking alcohol addiction treatment.

Speaker: AA programs in Colorado often include speaker meetings. Speakers encourage participants to strengthen their commitment to sobriety through humor, faith, raw emotions, and personality.

Wheelchair Access: Colorado AA meetings with wheelchair access allow non-ambulatory clients to safely navigate the facility, including meeting halls and restrooms. The center generally has accessible parking spots and ramps.

Other AA Meetings In Windsor

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