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Bethany Lutheran Squad 62

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


2511 E Franklin Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55406

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: In Minnesota, closed AA meetings are restricted to members and people who recognize they have a drinking problem and want to stop. Newcomers can ask questions to more experienced members, gaining insight and advice as they begin their recovery journey.

Step Meeting: AA programs in Minnesota feature step meetings to assist members’ recovery. In these meetings, members participate in group readings, converse about their experience and relate it to the text, and suggest ways for future improvement.

Wheelchair Access: AA meetings in Minnesota may feature amenities for non-ambulatory clients. Wheelchair access can include ramps, designated parking spaces, and full maneuverability within the center.

Other AA Meetings In Minneapolis

Find more AA meetings in Minneapolis, MN review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

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Squad 3 South 7th Street

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Squad 20 Riverside Avenue

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Squad 1

2414 S 7th St Minneapolis, MN 55454

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