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Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


Kingsport, TN 37660

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: Closed AA meetings in Tennessee are restricted to members only, as well as anyone who recognizes they have a drinking problem and is ready to find help. Leaders will facilitate the discussion, which usually focuses on an aspect of alcoholism and recovery.

Discussion: In Tennessee, AA discussion meetings center around a particular topic that relates to alcohol addiction and recovery. Group leaders will open the meeting by sharing their personal thoughts and experiences that relate to the topic, then allow other members to share. Topics typically come from AA texts, including the Big Book.

Wheelchair Access: In Tennessee, AA centers generally feature wheelchair access to enable non-ambulatory clients to fully participate in meetings. The centers may have exterior ramps, designated parking, and safe navigation in meeting halls, restrooms, and amenities.

Women: Tennessee women’s AA meetings are community support meetings for women who are impacted by alcohol addiction - those who are suffering from alcoholism and those who have loved ones who are addicted to alcohol. Free for women of all ages to attend, these meetings offer peer support along with a 12-step recovery program.

Other AA Meetings In Kingsport

Find more AA meetings in Kingsport, TN review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

Serenity Improvement Group

Kingsport, TN 37660

Micaville 12&12

587 Micaville Loop Micaville, NC 28755


245 E Broadway St Newport, TN 37821

One Day at a Time Group

1572 N Broad St Tazewell, TN 37879

Club 12 Boone

141 Health Center Drive Boone, NC, 28607

11th Step Meeting

333 Wallingford St Blowing Rock, NC 28605

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