50 SW 6th Ave
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
District 46
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
12 Steps & 12 Traditions: Washington's AA programs are rooted in the 12 Steps and Traditions, and are an invaluable resource to all individuals seeking support. Inclusive meetings provide a nurturing environment where individuals can find strength and hope in their peers, mentors, and loved ones.
Big Book: AA clients in Washington use the Big Book as a source of inspiration. The Big Book features the lives of real men and women who overcame alcohol use disorder and can inspire clients to follow their lead.
Closed: In Washington, closed AA meetings are only available to members of AA and people who want to find help for alcohol addiction. Nonalcoholics and general members of the community cannot attend these discussions, which center on topics related to alcoholism and recovery.
Literature: Washington AA literature meetings are support group meetings for anyone in the community who is affected by alcohol addiction. These peer support meetings study the Big Book of AA and other recovery writings by AA founders and leaders as part of a 12-step addiction recovery program. They are open for all and are free to attend.
Women: Washington AA meetings for women are women-specific peer support meetings for those who are affected by alcohol addiction - women who are addicted to alcohol or who have loved ones suffering from alcoholism. Open to women of all ages and with no cost to attend, these meetings offer community support and are guided by a 12-step recovery program.