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Came To Believe Bardstown

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


201 Cathedral Manor
Bardstown, KY, 40004

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Kentucky give all members the chance to reflect on their alcohol addiction recovery journeys and share their hopes for the future. Leaders will normally open the meetings by reading from an AA text, such as the Big Book. Once they share their input on the topic, they’ll allow others to join the discussion.

Literature: Literature-based AA meetings in Kentucky are peer support meetings for people who are impacted by alcohol addiction. These community meetings, free for all to attend, are based on a 12-step recovery program and emphasize AA literature, such as the Big Book of AA and other writings by AA founders and leaders.

Other AA Meetings In Bardstown

Find more AA meetings in Bardstown, KY review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

Good Foundations Beginners Group

201 Cathedral Manor Bardstown, KY 40004

164 Group

209 N 2nd St Bardstown, KY 40004

Step By Step Group

904 N Mulberry St Elizabethtown, KY 42701

One Day At A Time

206 W Poplar St Elizabethtown, KY 42701

5 O’Clock Newcomers

6106 Price Ln Rd Louisville, KY 40229

Lincoln Trail 24 Hour

750 W Lincoln Trail Blvd # 102 Radcliff, KY 40160

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