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Cave City 12 & 12 Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


105 Duke St
Cave City, KY 42127

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Literature: Literature-based AA meetings in Kentucky are peer support meetings for people who are impacted by alcohol addiction. These community meetings, free for all to attend, are based on a 12-step recovery program and emphasize AA literature, such as the Big Book of AA and other writings by AA founders and leaders.

Open: In Kentucky, anyone who wants to learn more about AA and the 12 step recovery model can attend an open AA meeting. These meetings are available to all members of the public, including alcoholics and nonalcoholics. In addition to providing practical tools and tips for recovery, they also help observers to better understand the program and its basic structure.

Wheelchair Access: In Kentucky, AA centers may provide wheelchair access for non-ambulatory clients. Access may include ramps, designated parking spaces, and a safe layout for meeting halls, restrooms, and other amenities.

Other AA Meetings In Cave City

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One Day at a Time (ODAT)

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105 Group

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Celina AA Group 115 Guffey Street

115 Guffey Street Celina, TN, 38551

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750 W Lincoln Trail Blvd # 102 Radcliff, KY 40160

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