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Choices 7PM LGBTQ Friendly

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


4343 North Rancho Drive
Las Vegas, NV, 89101

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Nevada are structured around a central theme. The leader will start by sharing the topic, which may come from an AA text such as the Big Book or As Bill Sees It. After sharing their insights and offering encouragement to others, they’ll invite members to participate in the conversation.

Open: In Nevada, open AA meetings are accessible to anyone in the community. In addition to individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction, nonalcoholics can also attend to learn more about the 12 step program and how to support their friend or loved one in their recovery journey.

Other AA Meetings In Las Vegas

Find more AA meetings in Las Vegas, NV review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

Choices 5 30pm Daily

4343 North Rancho Drive Las Vegas, NV, 89101

Choices Open Discussion 4PM

4343 North Rancho Drive Las Vegas, NV, 89101

Choices Earlybird Meeting 5 30AM

4343 North Rancho Drive Las Vegas, NV, 89101

Choices Daily Reflection Meeting 7am

4343 North Rancho Drive Las Vegas, NV, 89101

Choices Big Book Study

4343 North Rancho Drive Las Vegas, NV, 89101

Beginners Meeting at Choices 2 30PM

4343 North Rancho Drive Las Vegas, NV, 89101

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