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Crossroads Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


208 W 19 St
Kansas City, MO 64108

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Literature: Missouri literature-guided AA meetings are community support meetings for people who are affected by alcohol addiction. These group meetings study the Big Book of AA and other AA literature while offering a 12-step addiction recovery program. All are welcome to attend at no cost.

Open: Open AA meetings in Missouri are accessible to anyone in the community. During this time, AA members will share their experiences and recovery journeys with the group, allowing attendees to learn firsthand how the program works, what the 12 step recovery model includes, and how they can support their friend or loved one seeking help for alcohol addiction.

Wheelchair Access: In Missouri, non-ambulatory clients may participate in AA meetings via wheelchair access. The center may provide ramps, designated parking, and an open layout to enable full participation.

Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom: Selected AA centers offer wheelchair-accessible bathrooms for participants. These bathrooms have enough space for a wheelchair to safely navigate, and can include private stalls with guardrails, reachable toilet paper and seat cover dispensers, a wash basin, and other amenities.

Other AA Meetings In Kansas City

Find more AA meetings in Kansas City, MO review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

Downtown Nooners

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Twelve and Twelve Group

N Oak St Kansas City, MO 64116

Ground Level A.A. Group

3307 E 26th St Kansas City, MO 64127

39th Street Love and Service

3115 Linwood Blvd Kansas City, MO 64128

449 Group Metropolitan Avenue

3730 Metropolitan Avenue Kansas City, KS, 66101

Brookside 24 & 7

205 W 65 St Kansas City, MO 64113

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