Find AA meetings in Kansas City, Missouri to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Missouri includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
5:30 PM | SHELTER KC GROUP | SHELTER KC GROUP | 1520 Cherry St | Kansas City | Closed Meeting English Men's Meeting |
6:00 PM | Unity On the Plaza | Unity On the Plaza | 707 W 47th St | Kansas City | Closed Meeting English |
6:00 PM | Free Thinkers in AA Wornall Terrace | Free Thinkers in AA | 6401 Wornall Terrace | Kansas City | Closed Meeting Secular |
6:00 PM | KC Group 1 | Kansas City Group #1 | Online Kansas City, MO 64114 | Kansas City | Closed Meeting English |
6:00 PM | Wednesday Women's | Westport Presbyterian Church | 201 Westport Rd | Kansas City | Child-Friendly Closed Meeting English + Women's Meeting |
6:00 PM | Kansas City Group #1 | Kansas City Group #1 | 311 W 80th Terrace | Kansas City | Big Book Closed Meeting English + Wheelchair Access |
5:00 PM | Leawood-Prairie Village Group | Leawood-Prairie Village Group | 9100 Mission Rd | Leawood | Discussion English Wheelchair Access + Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom |
5:00 PM | Wing and A Prayer | Wing and A Prayer | 539 N Scott Ave | Belton | Closed Meeting English |
5:30 PM | NEW PATH AA GROUP | NEW PATH AA GROUP | 350 MO-150 | Lee's Summit | English |
5:30 PM | South Leawood Group | South Leawood Group | 13300 Kenneth Rd | Leawood | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Wheelchair Access Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom |
5:30 PM | Englewood Winners | Englewood Winners | 2530 S Crysler Ave | Independence | Closed Meeting English |
5:30 PM | Shawnee Group West 62nd Terrace | Shawnee Group West 62nd Terrace | 12616 West 62nd Terrace | Shawnee | Closed Meeting |
5:30 PM | Maple Street Group | Maple Street Group | 11330 E Truman Rd | Independence | English Open Meeting |
5:30 PM | Rule 62 Group--Lawrence, KS | Rule 62 Group | Online Lawrence, KS 66044 | Lawrence | Discussion English Open Meeting + Speaker |
5:30 PM | Shawnee Group | Shawnee Group | 12616 W 62nd Terrace | Shawnee | Closed Meeting English |
6:00 PM | North Oak Group | North Oak Group | 7125 N Broadway | Gladstone | Babysitting Available Closed Meeting English |
6:00 PM | Olathe Group | Olathe Group | 222 S Kansas Ave | Olathe | Closed Meeting English |
6:00 PM | South Leawood Group | South Leawood Group | Online 13300 Kenneth Rd | Leawood | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Wheelchair Access Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom |
6:00 PM | Sunshine Group | Sunshine Group | 2415 Clinton Parkway | Lawrence | Discussion English Open Meeting |
6:00 PM | Liberty Group | Liberty Group | 1323 Hwy H | Liberty | Closed Meeting English Women's Meeting |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Kansas City, Missouri AA Meetings
Kansas City is Missouri state’s largest city, and it spreads across four counties: Jackson, Clay, Cass, and Platte. Exploring this beautiful city also means discovering that many residents battle alcohol addiction on different levels. A large percentage of locals diagnosed with alcohol addiction do not proceed with treatment. Alcoholics Anonymous is a globally recognized organization of people working towards breaking their unhealthy cravings for alcohol and attaining sobriety. During AA meetings in Kansas City, members engage people in shared experiences and provide practical strategies to aid their recovery process. AA’s 12-step approach, employed across AA meetings Missouri and globally, has helped persons working towards full recovery record significant progress. Open meetings allow everyone to join (whether they suffer from alcohol addiction or not), and affected persons can have their relatives and loved ones join in. Closed meetings, on the other hand, are tailored specifically for those working on attaining sobriety. Treatment begins with alcohol detox as part of inpatient treatment procedures. Participants also receive medical care from trusted medical practitioners. We have gathered all AA meetings Missouri city holds into a directory on our website. Here, you can find the AA meetings Kansas City hosts near you. Contact our specialists for more information.