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Croton Harmon

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


58 Cleveland Dr
Croton-On-Hudson, NY 10520

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: Closed AA meetings in New York are not open to public community members who want to observe the discussion. The only people who can attend are AA members and people seeking help for alcohol addiction. The discussions are informal and everyone can share.

Newcomer: In New York, AA newcomer meetings offer an opportunity for people who are new to AA to learn more about the program as they begin their sobriety journey. Experienced members normally lead the meetings, which may include group discussions or follow a more structured lesson format.

Open: Open AA meetings in New York are accessible to anyone from the community. This includes individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction as well as their friends and loved ones or anyone who wants to learn more about how AA operates and what the 12 step recovery model entails.

Speaker: In New York, motivational speakers can assist AA programs in building members’ resolve against alcohol. Motivational Speakers are usually AA alumni and use humor, reason, charm, and raw emotions to appeal to their listeners.

Wheelchair Access: Non-ambulatory clients in New York may have wheelchair access in AA centers. These facilities may provide exterior ramps, designated ramps, and open floor spaces.

Other AA Meetings In Croton-on-Hudson

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Grace 3, 7,11

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Pearl River 12 and 12

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