7210 W Greenfield Ave
West Allis, WI 53214
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Meeting Notes
In-person & Phone/Video Meeting, Step Topic, Suite 1, lower lever, parking in back of building. ALL are Welcome.Phone/Video AA Meetings Using the FCC App. Video at the club Sun.& Fri. 10:30 am, M,T @ 7:30pm Phone: W,Th.Sat 7:30pm (978) 990-5195 Meeting Id: galano7210 Code: 1919178#
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Gay: Gay AA chapters can consist of members who are homosexual men or are simply gay-friendly. Topics in discussion are frequently related to issues facing gay men and their recovery.
Lesbian: Lesbian AA meetings are intended as safe spaces for homosexual women and their allies to meet. Discussions generally focus on issues and challenges that lesbians face in their recovery.