114 Main Street
Kennebunk, ME, 04043
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Types of AA Meetings
Big Book: AA meetings in Maine often use the Big Book to spark discussions. This anthology, about real women and men who overcame alcohol use disorder, is used to inspire clients.
Closed: Closed AA meetings in Maine are not open to the general public. Only AA members and individuals who want to stop drinking are allowed to attend. Discussions center around alcohol addiction and recovery and anyone is welcome to share and contribute.
Discussion: In Maine, AA discussion meetings are based around a central theme. Once the leader opens the meeting using the group’s chosen format, they will share the meeting’s topic, which normally derives from an AA text, such as the Big Book. After the leader shares a personal reflection, others can join and share their insights.
Step Meeting: Maine AA programs can include step meetings. In these meetings, participants compare their recovery experiences with each other and the corresponding stage in the 12 Step Program. Members then suggest ways to improve their progress for the next step.
Wheelchair Access: AA meetings in Maine may provide wheelchair access, such as the use of ramps and designated parking spaces. Non-ambulatory clients can safely navigate the center’s layout and meeting spaces.