1017 Northport Dr
Madison, WI 53704
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
ID: 592 202 3864 Passcode: 986396
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Closed: In Wisconsin, closed AA meetings are not open to the general public and nonalcoholics cannot attend. The only people who may attend are AA members and individuals who understand they have a drinking problem and want to begin recovery. The discussions are informal and everyone can share.
Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Wisconsin give all members the chance to speak on one common subject related to alcohol addiction and recovery. These topics may tie into an AA text, such as the Big Book. Leaders will share first, and then the floor is open for other members to provide their input.
Fragrance Free: AA meetings that are fragrance free means that members are not allowed to wear perfumes, scented colognes or lotions, or to bring in clothing or air fresheners with fragrances. This ban is in consideration of members who may have sensitivities to artificial and chemical scents.
Speaker: Wisconsin AA centers may invite a speaker as part of its program. In their speeches, speakers motivate AA audiences to commit to sobriety through humor, charm, emotions, reason, and charm.
Wheelchair Access: In Wisconsin, non-ambulatory clients participate in AA meetings through wheelchair access. Facilities may include exterior ramps, designated parking, and open floor spaces for safe navigation.