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2585 East Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV, 89101

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Types of AA Meetings

12 Steps & 12 Traditions: Nevada's offers a range of AA program that follow the 12 Steps and Traditions. These programs offer vital support and understanding for individuals seeking recovery. Meetings provide a welcoming environment for individuals, their mentors, and their loved ones.

Big Book: In Nevada, AA programs frequently contain Big Book discussions to inspire clients. The Big Book features dozens of stories about real women and men who successfully controlled their alcohol use disorder.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Nevada are structured around a central theme. The leader will start by sharing the topic, which may come from an AA text such as the Big Book or As Bill Sees It. After sharing their insights and offering encouragement to others, they’ll invite members to participate in the conversation.

Grapevine: Grapevine is a monthly magazine published by AA. Its contents, written by AA members, generally feature the experiences of individuals with alcohol use disorder, and articles are often discussed in AA meetings.

Literature: Nevada literature-guided AA meetings are peer support meetings for people who are impacted by alcohol addiction, including those suffering from alcoholism and those who have loved ones addicted to alcohol. These group meetings study AA literature such as the Big Book of AA, AA workbooks, and other writings by AA founders and leaders. All are welcome to attend at no cost.

Open: In Nevada, open AA meetings are accessible to anyone in the community. In addition to individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction, nonalcoholics can also attend to learn more about the 12 step program and how to support their friend or loved one in their recovery journey.

Step Meeting: In Nevada, step meetings are part of the AA recovery process. AA members read passages from Twelve Steps, compare the text to their own recovery, and suggest approaches to improve their resilience.

Wheelchair Access: Non-ambulatory clients in Nevada may fully participate in AA meetings in centers that have wheelchair access. These features may include open layout, exterior ramps, and designated parking.

Other AA Meetings In Las Vegas

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