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Garage Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


1765 Restoration Rd SW
Rochester, MN 55902

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: AA centers in Minnesota often inspire clients by using the Big Book. The anthology features dozens of stories about men and women who overcame alcoholism.

Closed: In Minnesota, closed AA meetings are restricted to members and people who recognize they have a drinking problem and want to stop. Newcomers can ask questions to more experienced members, gaining insight and advice as they begin their recovery journey.

Discussion: In Minnesota, AA discussion meetings offer the opportunity for all members to share their thoughts and feelings on a specific subject. Leaders usually derive inspiration for the discussion from an AA text, such as the Big Book. They’ll open with their own reflections, and then encourage others to discuss.

Open: In Minnesota, open AA meetings are available to anyone who wants to learn more about the program and the 12 step model of addiction recovery. This may include individuals who need help overcoming alcohol addictions as well as friends, relatives, and loved ones interested in how the organization operates.

Speaker: Motivational speakers are an effective tool to reinforce sobriety among members in Minnesota AA programs. Speakers are usually AA alumni and use raw emotions, spirituality, charm, and humor to inspire their listeners.

Other AA Meetings In Rochester

Find more AA meetings in Rochester, MN review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

Pioneer Group

1340 3rd Ave SE Rochester, MN 55904

Tradition 3 Group

2110 US-14 Rochester, MN 55901

There Is A Solution Men’s Big Book Study Group

27401 County Hwy 34 Kasson, MN 55944

Pine Island Group

451 5th St SW Pine Island, MN 55963

Monday Night Big Book Group

749 S Main St Zumbrota, MN 55992

12 x 12 Meeting Bay City

W6508 Wisconsin 35 Bay City, WI, 54723

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