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Higher Powered Lunch Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


26 1st Ave SW
Watertown, SD 57201

Get Help With Alcohol Addiction

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: In South Dakota, only members and indviiduals seeking help for alcohol addiction can attend open AA meetings. They are not accessible to outside community members. The discussion topics relate to alcoholism and recovery and everyone is invited to share.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in South Dakota provide a specific addiction-related topic for group members to discuss and reflect upon. Leaders often derive this topic from an AA text, such as Daily Reflections or the Big Book. Once they open with their initial thoughts, others are welcome to share their input.

Other AA Meetings In Watertown

Find more AA meetings in Watertown, SD review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

Gilbert Avenue AA Group

1021 N Gilbert Avenue Watertown, SD, 57201

Madison Group

106 8th St Madison, MN 56256

Dawson A.A. Group

676 Pine St Dawson, MN 56232

Madison AA

3rd St NW Madison, SD 57042

Madison AA

453rd Ave Madison, SD 57042

Monday Night 12 & 12 Group

7 E 1st St Morris, MN 56267

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