Find AA meetings in Ortonville, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:18 AM | Dakota Plains Recovery | Dakota Plains Recovery | 302 East Maple Street | Sisseton | English Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Dawson A.A. Group | Dawson A.A. Group #107699 | 676 Pine St | Dawson | English |
7:30 PM | Graceville Group | Graceville Group #131286 | 415 Studdart Ave | Graceville | English |
8:00 PM | Milbank Group | Grant County Detention Center | 222 E 5th Ave | Milbank | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
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Ortonville, Minnesota AA Meetings
Ortonville is a city in Big Stone County, Minnesota. In Ortonville, there are several options for treating alcohol addiction. Residents with the condition can seek treatment in either an inpatient or outpatient setting. They can also find alcohol detox programs that combine medical treatment with behavioral therapy. Professional treatment, on the other hand, may not be sufficient because recovery from alcohol addiction necessitates a period of abstinence. In the same way that alcohol addiction develops over time, it also fades away over time. This means that people who have the condition must continue to recover even after receiving professional treatment. This is best accomplished in a social support group. The AA community is one of the most well-known social groups on the planet. The AA community is not only one of the oldest, but it has also assisted many people in achieving long-term sobriety. All you have to do to join AA meetings in Ortonville is find the closest one to you and express your desire to stay sober. On, we have created an AA directory to help people in need find AA meetings in their area. When you attend AA Minnesota meetings, you have the chance to relate with other people who are also staying in sobriety. Professional treatment is not replaced by the AA community. Contact us right away if you have not been able to locate alcohol detox facilities in Ortonville.