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Last Stop Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


1301 Bayshore Rd #204
Villas, NJ 08251

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: In New Jersey, closed AA meetings are not available to community observers. Only members and individuals seeking help for alcoholism can attend. The discussions focus on topics related to alcohol addiction and recovery, and all attendees are invited to participate.

Discussion: In New Jersey, AA discussion meetings give members the chance to share their insights, reflections, and opinions on a particular subject related to alcoholism and recovery. Leaders will normally begin by offering their own inputs, often referencing an AA text. Then, others can share.

Literature: Literature-guided AA meetings in New Jersey are peer support meetings for people who are impacted by alcohol addiction, including those suffering from alcohol addiction and those who have loved ones addicted to alcohol. Free to attend, these community meetings study AA literature such as the Big Book of AA, AA workbooks, and other writings by AA founders and leaders.

Open: Open AA meetings in New Jersey allow anyone who wants to learn more about AA to attend a session. During this time, members will share their experiences and recovery journey with AA, allowing attendees to learn firsthand how the program works and what the 12 step recovery model includes.

Speaker: New Jersey AA meetings can feature motivational speakers. These speakers can inspire audiences to strengthen their commitment against alcohol through humor, reason, charm, and faith.

Step Meeting: AA programs in New Jersey often include step meetings. In these meetings, groups compare their recovery to stages in the 12 Step Program and strategize on how to strengthen their resilience by the next meeting.

Other AA Meetings In Villas

Find more AA meetings in Villas, NJ review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

Young Peoples Group

1301 Bayshore Rd #204 Villas, NJ 08251

One Day at a Time

1304 NJ-47 Rio Grande, NJ 08242

Avalon Group

50th St & Ocean Dr Avalon, NJ 08202

59th Street Beach Meeting (OC)

59th St Ocean City, NJ 08226

Gay Joyous and Free Rehoboth Beach

18 Olive Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971

Thursday 11th Step

19285 Holland Glade Rd Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

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