Find AA meetings in Dennis, New Jersey to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in New Jersey includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
6:30 AM | New Freedom | Praise Tabernacle | 2235 Ocean Heights Ave | Egg Harbor City | Discussion English Open Meeting + Step Meeting |
7:30 AM | New Hope Group | Last House on the Block | 1301 Bayshore Rd #204 | Villas | Big Book Closed Meeting English |
7:30 AM | GMOC South | Holy Trinity Church | Bay Ave & 30th St | Ocean City | English Open Meeting Speaker + Wheelchair Access |
7:30 AM | Good Morning Avalon | Maris Stella Auditorium | Online Avalon, NJ 08202 | Avalon | Discussion English Open Meeting + Speaker |
7:30 AM | Good Morning Ocean City | St. Peter's Methodist Church | E 8th St | Ocean City | Big Book Closed Meeting English + Step Meeting Wheelchair Access |
7:30 AM | Trudgers Group | Trudgers | Online 100 Pitney Rd | Absecon | As Bill Sees It Closed Meeting English + Literature |
7:30 AM | Good Morning Avalon | Maris Stella Auditorium | 50th St & Ocean Dr | Avalon | English Open Meeting Speaker |
9:15 AM | Living In The Solution | McKeon Hall | Washington Ave & Bayshore Rd | Lower Township | English Open Meeting |
9:30 AM | Primary Purpose Group | Primary Purpose - 12 Step House, Wildwood | 113 W Oak Ave | Wildwood | English Open Meeting Speaker + Wheelchair Access |
9:30 AM | New Life Group | Capital Recovery Center | 92 N Pearl St | Bridgeton | Discussion English Open Meeting |
10:00 AM | Stagecoach Group (Non-smoking) | Stagecoach | 30 Butter Rd | Ocean View | Closed Meeting English Step Meeting |
10:00 AM | It Works | Absecon Presbyterian Church | 208 New Jersey Ave | Absecon | Closed Meeting English Step Meeting |
10:00 AM | Desire to Stop | Desire To Stop Group | 19075 Coastal Hwy | Rehoboth Beach | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
10:00 AM | It Works | It Works | Online Absecon, NJ 08201 | Absecon | Closed Meeting English |
10:00 AM | Stagecoach Group | Stagecoach Group | 30 Butter Road | Ocean View | Closed Meeting Smoking Permitted Step Meeting |
10:30 AM | KISS - Avalon | Virtual Meeting - KISS Group - Avalon | Online Avalon, NJ 08202 | Avalon | English Women's Meeting |
11:30 AM | A New Way of Life | Trinity Wesleyan Church | 1564 S State St | Dover | Big Book English |
11:30 AM | Way to Recovery | Wyoming Church | 216 Wyoming Mill Rd | Dover | Big Book English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | Step Up to Recovery | Great Bay Gospel Fellowship | 820 Radio Rd | Little Egg Harbor Township | Big Book English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | Young People's (ACYP) | ACYP | 2125 N Riverside Ave | Atlantic City | Closed Meeting English Tradition Study |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Dennis, New Jersey AA Meetings
Dennis is a township in Cape May County, New Jersey, United States. The Alcoholics Anonymous community is available in Dennis. It is helpful to the residents in this town who are fighting alcohol use disorder. Alcoholics Anonymous seeks to offer alcohol addiction remedies. There are several methods used by the Alcoholics Anonymous community to deal with the various symptoms of alcohol use disorder in different parts of the world. Our AA meetings NJ directory offers a way to help you easily locate AA meetings in Dennis across New Jersey. AA meetings aim to help all those dealing with alcohol addiction by different means, one of which is the 12-step approach that has proven useful in combating alcohol dependence. The goal is to provide a healthy, better, and fulfilling lifestyle for all members. If you have been struggling with alcohol dependence and there appears to be no way to get past it, pay a visit to one of the AA meetings around you where you can interact with people who have taken the first step towards ending alcohol addiction. There are both open and closed types of AA meetings NJ that make members feel more comfortable sharing their difficulties and finding solutions to address alcohol use disorder.