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Little Red Book (2)

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


1157 Rome Center Dr
Nekoosa, WI 54457

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Meeting Notes

This meeting will take place in the community room at the library outside library hours, if library is closed due to weather or holiday, the meeting will be cancelled.


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: In Wisconsin, closed AA meetings are not open to the general public and nonalcoholics cannot attend. The only people who may attend are AA members and individuals who understand they have a drinking problem and want to begin recovery. The discussions are informal and everyone can share.

Wheelchair Access: In Wisconsin, non-ambulatory clients participate in AA meetings through wheelchair access. Facilities may include exterior ramps, designated parking, and open floor spaces for safe navigation.

Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom: Selected AA centers offer wheelchair-accessible bathrooms for participants. These bathrooms have enough space for a wheelchair to safely navigate, and can include private stalls with guardrails, reachable toilet paper and seat cover dispensers, a wash basin, and other amenities.

Other AA Meetings In Nekoosa

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