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Miracles On 20th Street Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


520 20th St
Huntington, WV 25703

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: West Virginia AA groups frequently discuss the Big Book for inspiration. This anthology features the lives of real men and women who successfully controlled their alcohol use order.

Closed: In West Virginia, closed AA meetings are only accessible to current AA members and individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction. The discussions are informal in nature and everyone is encouraged to contribute. Nonalcoholics cannot attend these meetings.

Discussion: In West Virginia, AA discussion meetings center on one topic, usually derived from an AA text, such as Daily Reflections or the AA Grapevine. Leaders will choose the topic beforehand and share their personal experiences and reflections first. Then, other members can join the conversation.

Open: Open AA meetings in West Virginia are not limited to AA members only. Instead, anyone from the public is welcome to attend. This allows individuals to learn about how AA operates and what the 12 step model entails. Alcoholics and nonalcohlics can use this time to understand more about alcohol addiction recovery.

Other AA Meetings In Huntington

Find more AA meetings in Huntington, WV review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

Surrender To Win Group

2425 9th Ave Huntington, WV 25703

The 36 Principles

310 3rd Ave Chesapeake, OH 45619

Cross Talk (Meeting)

5747 E Pea Ridge Rd Huntington, WV 25705

O.D.A.T. (One Day At A Time) Group

4623 WV-152 Lavalette, WV 25535

Sobriety Today 12 & 12 Step Group

2848 Putnam Ave Hurricane, WV 25526

Wheelersburg Rule 62 Group

11605 Gallia Pike Wheelersburg, OH 45694

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