123 W 1st St
Moscow, ID 83843
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
12 Steps & 12 Traditions: Idaho's AA follows the 12-step tradition, offering vital support and understanding for those seeking sobriety. Open meetings provide a safe space for individuals and their loved ones to find strength together.
Big Book: Idaho AA centers often feature discussions on the Big Book. The Big Book contains dozens of stories about women and men who successfully managed their alcohol use disorder and can inspire clients.
Closed: In Idaho, closed AA meetings are only available to members and individuals seeking help for alcoholism. This allows participants to share personal details about their recovery journeys without outside observance. Discussions are casual and everyone is encouraged to participate.
Wheelchair Access: Wheelchair access in Idaho AA meetings means that non-ambulatory clients have access to the facility via designated parking and ramps. Clients will be able to safely navigate the center’s meeting spaces and amenities.