1364 Washington Ave
Portland, ME 04103
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
No meeting Sep 27, Oct 4, Oct 11!!!
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Discussion: In Maine, AA discussion meetings are based around a central theme. Once the leader opens the meeting using the group’s chosen format, they will share the meeting’s topic, which normally derives from an AA text, such as the Big Book. After the leader shares a personal reflection, others can join and share their insights.
Newcomer: In Maine, AA newcomer meetings are available for individuals seeking help for alcoholism. They are geared toward people who are new to the AA program and want to learn more about what it includes. The meetings may include an open discussion or follow a more structured format.
Speaker: Maine AA centers frequently invite speakers to motivate their listeners to strengthen their resolve against alcohol. Speakers get their points across through humor, faith, charm, and raw emotions.