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Plain and Simple

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


7109 TN-25
Cross Plains, TN 37049

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Discussion: In Tennessee, AA discussion meetings center around a particular topic that relates to alcohol addiction and recovery. Group leaders will open the meeting by sharing their personal thoughts and experiences that relate to the topic, then allow other members to share. Topics typically come from AA texts, including the Big Book.

Open: In Tennessee, open AA meetings are accessible to anyone from the public, including alcoholics and nonalcoholics. During the meeting, members can share their stories and provide information about the organization, while observers can listen and learn.

Other AA Meetings In Cross Plains

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Dulce Rendicion

6257 Hwy 76 E Springfield, TN 37172

I-65 Group

506 Hester Dr White House, TN 37188

White House Group

3644 US-31W White House, TN 37188

One Chapter at a Time (Ridgetop)

8363 Old Springfield Pike Goodlettsville, TN 37072

Page 112 Group

801 Jones St Old Hickory, TN 37138

805 Group

1216 Hadley Ave Old Hickory, TN 37138

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