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Primary Purpose Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


321 W Mill St
Columbus, WI 53925

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: The Big Book is a collection of stories about real people who overcame alcoholism. AA programs in Wisconsin feature the Big Book in discussion groups to inspire participants.

Closed: In Wisconsin, closed AA meetings are not open to the general public and nonalcoholics cannot attend. The only people who may attend are AA members and individuals who understand they have a drinking problem and want to begin recovery. The discussions are informal and everyone can share.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Wisconsin give all members the chance to speak on one common subject related to alcohol addiction and recovery. These topics may tie into an AA text, such as the Big Book. Leaders will share first, and then the floor is open for other members to provide their input.

Literature: AA literature meetings in Wisconsin are peer support meetings for people in the community who are impacted by alcohol addiction. These 12-step meetings use AA literature such as the Big Book of AA as a way to guide addiction recovery.

Open: In Wisconsin, open AA meetings are available to everyone in the community. Any person interested in understanding more about AA and the 12 step recovery model is welcome to attend. During the meeting, members may share personal stories and experiences, allowing observers to listen and learn.

Other AA Meetings In Columbus

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Beaver Dam Monday Night 12 Step Group

115 N Lincoln Ave Beaver Dam, WI 53916

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605 County Road T Marshall, WI, 53559

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110 S 2nd St Watertown, WI 53094

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