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Seattle Men’s Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


766 John St
Seattle, WA 98109

Get Help With Alcohol Addiction

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Meeting Notes

This meeting is held in person. This meeting is closed on federal recognized holidays due to church closure. Previous online meeting has changed it's name to Monday Men's Online


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: In Washington, closed AA meetings are only available to members of AA and people who want to find help for alcohol addiction. Nonalcoholics and general members of the community cannot attend these discussions, which center on topics related to alcoholism and recovery.

Men: Washington AA groups may offer meetings designated only for men impacted by alcohol use disorder at no charge. In these meetings, men of all ages can participate in 12 Step Programs that are designed to address men’s health and recovery issues.

Wheelchair Access: Washington AA centers generally provide wheelchair access for non-ambulatory clients. These features may include open meeting rooms, restroom access, and amenities. Exterior ramps and designated parking assist in making facilities safe for navigation.

Other AA Meetings In Seattle

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