32682 Angola Road
Lewes, DE, 19958
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Types of AA Meetings
Discussion: In Delaware, AA discussion meetings are structured around one core discussion topic. The leader will begin the meeting by sharing a subject from an applicable AA text, such as the Big Book or Daily Reflections. Then, others can join in to share their inputs, reflections, and recovery stories.
Open: In Delaware, open AA meetings allow anyone interested in the 12 step model of recovery to attend and learn more about how the program works. This includes individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction, as well as their friends and loved ones. Members can share their experiences and tips for recovery to help observers understand what to expect.
Women: Women’s AA meetings in Delaware are community support meetings for women who are impacted by alcohol addiction. The meetings are free for all women to attend, using a 12-step program to help women at all stages of addiction recovery. They offer a safe and productive space for community support for women of all ages, including women who have loved ones with alcohol addiction.