12202 NE 90th St
Kirkland, WA 98033
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
Birthday meeting on last Saturday each month. Meeting back to in-person Saturday July 16, 2020
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Open: In Washington, open AA meetings are not restricted to members only. Anyone is welcome to attend and learn more about how the program works and what the 12 step model of recovery includes. This includes individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction as well as nonalcoholics who want to support a friend or loved one in recovery.
Wheelchair Access: Washington AA centers generally provide wheelchair access for non-ambulatory clients. These features may include open meeting rooms, restroom access, and amenities. Exterior ramps and designated parking assist in making facilities safe for navigation.
Young People: AA meetings for young people are intended for members in early adulthood, usually in their late teens and twenties. These groups focus on the experiences and issues that young people may face in their recovery.